At the weekly Monday night HFD drill the department continued their readiness training. Several fire trucks and crews convened at the Holliston High School for practicing a variety of fire suppression skills under the direction of our two on-call Deputy Chiefs – Alan Greendale, Sr., and Michael Gulla.
Author: Ken Henderson
MathWorks of Natick Improves Our Trail
MathWorks of Natick, MA, a leading developer of mathematical computing software, worked on the Holliston Rail Trail for a day of volunteering. For the past several years this company has completed projects along the trail that enhance the usefulness and appearance.
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Seen any Snow Scouts Lately?
SnowScout scavenger hunt began this past weekend. Cub Scout Pack 2 of Holliston has a scavenger hunt activity for all Scout and non-Scout families. 12 wooden SnowScouts matching the 12 points of the scout law were built and stationed around town during December.
Envision Future Holliston Committee Needs You
Envision Future Holliston Committee’s (EFH) surveys provide residents a way to have input to a future vision of Holliston. Following the Spring 2021 Town Meeting, EFH sought your ideas with its first survey. SURVEY #2 furnishes the Committee additional details about your thought of Holliston’s future.
Vision Becomes Reality
The drawing of a veterans’ monument honoring those deployed in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars has become a tangible structure.
The formal dedication will be on Saturday, May 14, 2022, at 10:00 AM.
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Let The Spring Flower Show Begin!
Spring is a time for renewed life around town. Color pops out of everywhere. My unofficial survey asks, “What is your colorful sign of spring?” Is it forsythia, daffodils, pansies or another lovely that catches your eye?
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What’s Going On?
Have you noticed eight large, long rows of brown leafy stuff on Norfolk Street? On a cold morning, the long rows may be steaming.
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Veterans Monument Becoming a Reality
On a small parcel of land near Blair Square, the long-anticipated Veterans Monument honoring those deployed in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars is taking shape. Nowhere in town are these veterans recognized and appreciated for their service. Ever since roughly 2008 the idea for such a monument has been bantered about, and the time for action has come. Steve Napolitano, Ron Turcotte and Stan Feinberg took the nub of an idea and developed it into a buildable project.
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The Carnival Is Back
Holliston’s Lions Club Annual Carnival is coming back—July 7 – 10—after being delayed a year. All the rides, booths and great fun return to the Holliston High School grounds.
Note the menu update.
Ahronian Landscaping and Design Celebrate 35th Anniversary
Business anniversaries are a wonderful way to measure success over time. Ahronian Landscaping and Design has been a part of Holliston for 35 years! That’s a lot of success.
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