Looking East: Short Histories and More 2004 – 2023
Author: Walter McClennen
(A note of thanks to Chris and Yvette who for 4 years published the famous July 4th “Flag Count” for various streets and sections of the town.)
And The Water Runs Through It – Part II
The waterflows in Holliston on the west side of Highland St. are a little easier to understand than those of the east side of town. It is helpful to remember that our town has a north/south backbone of five hills – our own little “Continental Divide.”
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And the Water Runs Through It
For decades, I drove the town roads – and the “water” was Lake Winthrop, Factory Pond or perhaps the Bogastow Brook. A beautiful threesome, but rather limited given the rich web of water that runs through our town. In the last five years, with the Holliston Rail Trail completed, I have been able to open my eyes to the extensive waterway network that flows throughout all corners of our town.
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Breaking Bread in Brooklyn
We are pleased to publish another poem from the pen of Walter McClennen for our readers’ enjoyment. Walter tells us that he recently created the poem this one for his Brooklyn grandson, who at the age of one year will not be reading it, but who will enjoy it in the future.
And Joy Returns To Mudville
Mudville’s Walter McClennen turns an historic lament into a poem of repaving delight.
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