New FinCom Member Appointed and Much More

A joint meeting of the Holliston Select Board and Finance Committee was convened by Chairs John Cronin and Ken Szajda at 6:30pm – the FinCom using the remote participation provisions approved by the State legislature. The purpose of the joint session was to interview and select a candidate for appointment to fill a vacancy on the FinCom.

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Select Board Continues Work on Lowland Truck Traffic

The Holliston Select Board was joined by about 50 residents at its Tuesday, June 20, 2023, meeting.  Chair John Cronin called the meeting to order at 7:01pm and moved immediately to the first agenda item – Lowland Industrial Park truck traffic.

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Council on Aging Holds its Annual Meeting

The Holliston Council on Aging held its monthly meeting on June 14, 2023. Chair Yvette Cain (below left front) called the meeting to order at 2:30pm – the start was delayed so all could enjoy the “Summer Sizzler” luncheon.

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Select Board Takes Care of Business

The Holliston Select Board had a quorum of two members as Chair John Cronin was absent. Vice-chair Tina Hein called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm (not a typo – a delayed start due to a “light agenda.”) With a Public Hearing slated for 7:45, the Board got right to business and quickly tackled the first three items on the agenda.

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Select Board Reorganizes for the Coming Year

The Holliston Select Board held a brief meeting on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. The primary purpose of the meeting was to determine the roles each member would hold during the coming year. The 2022 – 2023 Chair Ben Sparrell opened this meeting at 7:01pm.

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Spring Town Meeting – Overview

This report includes the high-level results of actions taken on all thirty-two Articles on the May 15, 2023, Annual Town Meeting Warrant.
Photos and discussion items will be included in a second report in the coming days.

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