Contact & Submissions

Holliston Reporter – Guidelines and Policies

As many of you have probably seen, there have been some minor changes in how things are working at the Reporter. Over the next few months, you should expect to see additional changes which we are hoping will make your reading experience even better. However, we also thought it was time for some clarification about what we expect, and what you can expect!

Submission of Articles

We are more than happy to accept submissions of any type of work! Whether you want to submit a sports piece, a milestone, or a public information piece we are willing to take a look. We have even begun considering an opinion section with specific rules and guidelines.

Here’s what to do if you would like to submit a piece

Please prepare the piece in Word or something similar. Do not paste it into the body of an email. If you do not have Word, Google Docs is free and works similarly.

You may include photos however make sure that if the pictures contain people you have their permission (or in the case of pictures of children, their parents’ permission).  Please include their names as well.

If you opt to submit an opinion piece, please note the following: we will not publish any piece which attacks an individual, business, or organization in any manner that may be considered hateful. There are plenty of ways to express an opinion without direct attacks.

Event information should be sent in plain text format please. Do not include boxes, tables, etc. as they make formatting very difficult and may require rewriting if they are sent that way.

Most submissions are set up to include your name. Please make sure to include your first and last name in all submissions (or risk them not being included!).  All submissions should be sent to

Remember, we welcome all kinds of submissions from organizations in town about upcoming events, sports related news, information on religious services, etc. as well as any coverage of town meetings. The only meeting we guarantee coverage of is the Select Board meeting, otherwise feel free to submit as you deem appropriate.

Timing of Submissions

If you have an upcoming event, please make sure it is submitted at least 10 days in advance to accommodate publishing schedules. We currently are scheduling submissions approximately one week out and therefore, an event in a “few days” is likely to not get published in a timely manner. Items which are not time sensitive will be scheduled as our publishing schedule permits. Currently, we’re expanding some of the days we are publishing, and at some point we hope to be able to publish every day. Before that occurs, we will need far more contributions!

Comments on Submissions

Please remember that none of the writers for the Holliston Reporter are compensated for their submissions or their time. BE KIND. Every writer does their level best to cover school committee, finance committee, and town meetings. Just because you do not like the way it has been covered does not mean it is bad coverage. We reserve the right to reject any comments which we feel are inappropriate.

You can use this form to send submissions
