We’re Seeking Submissions!

Not everyone is a writer or a photographer! However, there are still ways you can help contribute to the ongoing success of the Holliston Reporter! Our first goal is to increase the amount of information you have at the click of your mouse! The ultimate goal is to have enough material to reinstate seven day a week publishing. We’re getting there. But, it takes 35 pieces of material to “fill” the queue on a weekly basis if we’re going to publish every day. Because of that, we need your submissions! Here’s some of the ways you may be able to help!

Game Attendance – if you attend sporting events with your children please consider sending a brief blurb of the highlights of the game (along with the score!) and email it to us! If you include an image in the writeup, please make sure you have permission from any other person include in the photo (and please include names!) before submitting.

Town Meetings – we cover the Select Board meetings on a regular basis. However, there are LOTS of other meetings that go on in town that we do not cover. These include School Committee, Planning Board, Rail Trail, and more. If you attend any of these meetings on a regular basis, we’d love to publish a recap of the meeting. If you have a photo, please identify anyone in the picture and make sure you have their permission to include their image.

Organization Events – If you are a member of any local organization and become aware of any upcoming events, please email us! We’ll not only submit a press release, we’ll add it to Holliston Happenings calendar of events so more people get a chance to see it!

Organization Milestones – has your local organization recently presented an award to a deserving member? Elected new officers? Inducted new members? Celebrated an anniversary? Brag about it! We’re more than happy to accept any submissions you want to send us!

The guidelines are simple:

Be nice – we know everything isn’t sunshine and roses but we will not print any material which directly attacks any person, group of persons, or agency, board, etc.

Submitting formats – please do not send information directly in the body of an email. It makes it hard to move it from the email into the right format. Use Word, Google Docs, or even Notepad if you need to. Please make sure that you do not use any indentation!

Images – please make sure that any images you submit are your own. If there are people in the pictures you submit, please include their names (left to right) and make sure you have their permission to include the photo for publication.

Length, grammar, and formatting – don’t worry too much about being perfect! We’re planning on editing for accuracy, grammar, and formatting anyway! Whether you submit 100 words, or 1,000 we’ll take the time to review it.

Our Reach

It was pretty surprising to learn how many people our local publication is reaching! In addition to what you see as “views” on our front page, here’s what happened when we started sending posts to our Facebook page automatically:

Yes, you are seeing that right! That is the hit count from one of our Facebook posts! We have set up an automated process for publishing items throughout the day on Facebook for every item that we publish.

Help us continue to make the Holliston Reporter the place to turn for local news. Be a part of making our local news valuable for everyone in town. You can email submissions to reporterholliston@gmail.com.

Press Release

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