555 Hopping Brook Project Has Its Own Town Webpage

Holliston Reporter

From the Select Board’s Office:

The Town of Holliston has developed a web page for all information and upcoming meetings related to 555 Hopping Brook. All information and related upcoming meeting dates can be found at: https://www.townofholliston.us/…/555-hopping-brook-informat…

In addition, to make it easier for you to know when the site is updated, the Town has a registration system you can automatically get email notifications when the page is updated. You can sign up to receive these notifications by subscribing at: https://www.townofholliston.us/subscribe

Fill in the required email information and check off 555 Hopping Brook Updates. Then click on “I’m not a robot” and then the “Subscribe Me” button.

Once signed up, each time the webpage is updated with 555 Hopping Brook information or upcoming meeting dates, you will receive an email from “Town of Holliston, MA” with the information.


Travis J. Ahern; Town Administrator, Town of Holliston

Publisher’s Note: Mr. Ahern is excited that Holliston’s Technology Director, Chris Meo has built this comprehensive page for up-to-date information. He shared, “There has been a lot of interest in the topic, and I think the Planning Board has done a great job keeping the documents and materials out there in one place for the public. Hopefully, this will help interested parties stay up-to-date.”

“There has been a lot of spirited commentary on the activity and planning for 555 HBIP, but at this point I’m just personally impressed with the comprehensive nature of the materials that the Planning Board has put on the landing page, and I’m happy we can hopefully assist people with keeping up on that material.”

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