9 Green Street Public Hearing Planned for February 7, 2022

Holiston Reporter

January 11, 2022



TO:                         Property Owners in the Vicinity of 9 Green Street (and ALL residents)

PROJECT:             Parking Lot Construction located at 9 Green Street, Holliston, Massachusetts

The Town has recently demolished an abandoned industrial building located at 9 Green Street.  During the October 2021 Town Meeting the town voted and appropriated funds for the construction of a parking lot on this site. Conceptual designs for the parking lot can be viewed on the Town Website:


Please be advised that Goodwill Park located on the other side of Green Street is being considered for improvements as well.  All efforts are being made to coordinate a consistent overall “look and feel” for both projects. 

Construction of the parking lot is expected to begin in the spring of 2022 and be completed by the fall of 2022.  During this timeframe temporary impacts will include:

  • Access to limited areas immediately adjacent to the property so that certain improvements can be made along the property boundaries. (i.e. Removal of invasive species along the brook on the east side of the property, stabilization of the banks along the brook and repair to the drainage culvert.)
  • Noise during normal work hours
  • Heavy truck access to and from the Site from Green Street

All residents and abutters are encouraged to review the conceptual plans and be prepared to express their desires at a public hearing scheduled on February 7, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.

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