Holliston’s Council on Aging met on March 9, 2022. Chair Yvette Cain opened the meeting at the appointed hour of 2:00pm.
Members took advantage of the hybrid meeting model, with Frank Caron and Bob Malone participating remotely, and others at the Senior Center.
Chair’s Comments:
- Chair Cain noted that Tuesday, March 8, 2022, was International Women’s Day. She recognized women who have gone before paving the way for women today, Ukrainian women who are suffering now, and the women who now lead the Sr. Ctr. into the future.
- Four more free COVID test kits are now available to all via https://www.covidtests.gov/
- The newly released quarterly online Town Newsletter is available Holliston Hometown Newsletter
Assistant Director Amanda Boralessa shared:
- More residents have signed up to receive the Sr. Ctr. Newsletter (which is linked to the new Town newsletter) electronically.
- An Eagle Scout candidate will be repairing outside benches and creating a new garden this spring.
- Fire Chief Cassidy will be conducting Emergency Preparedness training in the near future.
- The Center’s Fall Prevention class will be resuming soon.
- Sustainability Coordinator Matt Zettek will be at the Center in March and April updating residents on his activities – including the installation of a textile recycling bin at the Center.
- The St. Pat’s Luncheon on March 23rd is almost full. Capacity is limited to 75. Sign up soon!
Director Borchetta updated the Council on:
- The Senior Safe Grant through the HFD is just getting started. Fire Captain John Gagnon (licensed contractor) will install safety grab bars and can provide smoke detectors (even those for the hearing impaired)
- Work is ongoing to develop a partnership between Holliston and Habitat for Humanity (HfH). The Town would provide funds from its ARPA grant and HfH would use those funds to make safety repairs in qualified individuals’ homes.
- The planned 55+ town wide survey preparation will include some preliminary focus groups. If you are interested in being part of those groups, please contact Ms. Borchetta borchettal@holliston.k.12.ma.us as soon as possible.
- The UMASS Gerontology Institute, who is running the survey, has done similar work in Swampscott. Read about it here -> UMASS Swampscott Survey and Follow up
- Melicia DeCosta has accepted the Town’s offer to become the Sr. Ctr. Outreach / Transportation Coordinator. Ms. DeCosta holds a MA degree in Elder Care and will start at the Ctr on March 28, 2022. Welcome Melicia
- The Sr. Ctr. is now in Masks optional mode.
The Council approved the Director’s financial requests totaling $3,440. These requests are paid by the Senior Support Foundation, the charitable group that supplements the Center’s activities.
Associate Member Peter Eagan, the Council’s representative to Envision Future Holliston shared that the results from their first survey are now posted ->Envision Future Holliston Survey Results. A second survey – separate from the age 55+ survey – will be developed / released soon. Paper copies will be available for those who are not comfortable with online surveys.
The Council unanimously approved Georgia Papavasilou’s request to become a full member of the CoA. Her name will be brought to the Select Board for formal appointment.
The meeting adjourned at 2:22 pm. The next meeting will be April 13, 2022, at 2:00 pm.
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