October 23rd Coronavirus Update
As you are likely aware, most public health officials now expect that the coming weeks and months will bring another major uptick in COVID-19 cases. We do not yet know the size or scope of that increase, but we have much better data available than we did in March to track and understand the trajectory of the virus.
One innovative example is the pilot program by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority that analyzes wastewater samples in the 43 Boston-area communities served by the MWRA’s water treatment plant on Deer Island. Using COVID-19 biomarkers in wastewater, the pilot program projects future increases in positive cases that studies have shown can predict virus trends up to 7 days in advance. Currently, the data shows a sharp increase in numbers in the last two weeks.
You can review the data, which is updated using new samples three times a week, on the MWRA website. It is important to note that because MWRA primarily serves communities in the greater Boston area, many of which have higher rates of COVID-19 than the state average, that these trends do not necessarily reflect the trajectory of the virus across the entire state. However, this cutting-edge scientific data provides both a valuable early indicator and a sobering reminder that the pandemic is very much still ongoing and COVID-19 is still a threat to be taken seriously. Please continue to practice social distancing, mask use, and personal hygiene to the greatest extent possible and, as always, thank you for your continued dedication to keeping our communities safe and healthy.
New Updates
Coronavirus Testing and Response

- Today, the state saw 968 new positive cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, with 144,895 total cases and 19 reported deaths as of today at 4pm.
- The average new cases over the last 7 days is 792, and the average number of deaths is 18.
- The 7-day weighted average positive test rate in Massachusetts is 1.4%.
- 570 individuals are hospitalized with COVID-19 statewide, an increase of 49 from yesterday.
- The Department of Public Health regularly releases a daily reporting dashboard containing detailed information on hospitalizations, demographic data, and county-by-county breakdowns of cases. To view the DPH dashboard, visit here.
Heath Care
- Hospital Capacity: As of 10/23, 30% of the Commonwealth’s 12,800 permanent and temporary hospital beds are available for new patients if needed. In the MetroWest region, 34% of the region’s 2,100 beds are available for new patients.
- Long-term care: As of 10/23, there are 390 long-term care facilities with at least one case of COVID-19 and 25,452 staff and residents in facilities who have tested positive for COVID-19. 6,323 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in long-term care facilities.
- For information on COVID-19 testing and guidance on whether you should get tested, how to get tested, and where to get tested, visit the COVID-19 testing portal at mass.gov/gettested.
Local and Regional Updates
- You can find this week’s DPH report on town-by-town COVID-19 testing and case numbers here, as well as counts of COVID-19 cases at long-term care facilities across the Commonwealth. Our towns’ numbers are below (through 10/22):
- Holliston: 123 (+8)
- Hopkinton: 160 (+7)
- Southborough: 74 (+6)
- Westborough: 418 (+5)
- The weekly public health report also contains facility-specific information on COVID-19 case rates on nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, which can be found here starting on page 44.
- In compliance with the new statewide data collection law, DPH has also begun reporting COVID-19 testing and infection rates at all state facilities, including state hospitals and congregate care facilities. You can find that data on this page.
- The statewide Department of Correction COVID-19 data can now be found in a new weekly report, which can be found here.
- The weekly public health report now contains information on testing and positive cases in Massachusetts-based colleges and universities, which can be found here starting on page 41.
- 231 new COVID-19 cases associated with higher education testing have been reported since last week. 1,408 total cases have been reported associated with higher education testing.
- The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education now reports student and staff positive cases reported by school districts within the last week. These reports count all positive cases among students participating in-person or hybrid learning models, and staff who have been in a school building within 7 days of a positive test. This week’s report and reporting definitions can be found here.
- Holliston: 1 student; 1 staff
- Hopkinton: 0 students; 0 staff
- Southborough: 1 student; 1 staff
- Northboro-Southboro: 5 students; 0 staff
- Westborough: 1 student; 1 staff
Travel Order Update

- The state’s COVID-19 travel order, which requires testing or self-quarantine for all visitors and returning residents from all higher-risk U.S. states, is updated weekly based on new public health data from around the country. Information on the order can be found here and information on changes to the state risk designations can be found below.
- Lower-risk states: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Washington, Washington D.C.
- Added this week: California, Hawaii, New Jersey, Washington (updated 10/16)
- Removed this week: None
Local Resources
All of the towns in the 8th Middlesex District now have centralized COVID-19 resource pages with resources, updates, and alerts regarding town services.
Holliston | Hopkinton | Southborough | Westborough
The Department of Public Health also releases weekly reports on town-by-town COVID-19 case numbers and rates, which can be found online here.
Resources for Residents Experiencing Job Loss or Loss of Income
COVID-19 is causing broad disruption to the economy which is affecting incomes of many residents and families. There are a number of State resources and supports available to support workers who may find themselves unemployed or otherwise income-constrained during this uncertain time.
Guide for job/income loss resources: https://carolyndykema.com/covid19-state-resources
Department of Unemployment Assistance: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-unemployment-assistance
Department of Transitional Assistance: https://www.mass.gov/dta-covid-19-resources-and-support
Statewide Information
Information on the state of emergency and related orders can be found here.
Reopening guidance can be found at mass.gov/reopening.
Information on COVID-19 testing can be found at mass.gov/gettested.
How You Can Help
Holliston Youth and Family Services requests your support of the Community Action Fund, which provides emergency assistance to those affected by COVID-19. Learn more or donate here.
Southborough’s Community Fund has supported local COVID-19 response efforts and families impacted by the pandemic, as well as other charitable organizations in Town. Learn more or donate here.
The Westborough Rotary Club has launched a COVID-19 Community Relief Fund to provide assistance to those affected by COVID-19. Learn more or donate here.
The American Red Cross is asking for blood donations, the need for which is significant due to blood drive cancellations. The need is dire due to the cancellation of hundreds of blood drives. People can donate at the Worcester American Red Cross Donor Center, 381 Plantation St. Worcester or call 1-800-RED CROSS. Some local donor sites, including the Natick Senior Center, are available for appointments as well.
Information on our local food pantries can be found below. The most pressing need right now is cash donations to ensure that food drop-off and delivery do not inadvertently contribute to the spread of the virus.
Holliston Pantry Shelf | Project Just Because | Southborough Food Pantry | Westborough Food Pantry
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