Free to all cars and motorcycles of interest. Trophies awarded by the sponsors.

Full breakfast & snacks available. Proceeds benefit the Holliston Historical Society.
The show is only two hours long. Just enough time to show and see all the cars and have a full home-cooked breakfast by the Historical Society volunteers.
The grounds will be covered by more than 125 collector cars from the earliest brass-era vintages to the latest exotic super cars. Unlike most car shows that take up the whole day, this show is ideal for Dads who want to get out and drive their ride, have breakfast with other car enthusiasts and be home to celebrate the rest of their day with family. But you don’t have to be a Dad with a cool ride to attend.

So, if you like cars and a good breakfast, be sure to visit the Holliston Historical Society’s 19th Annual Father’s Day Breakfast Car show, June 19, 2022, between 8:00AM and 10:00AM.

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Thanks to all who attended, some while it was raining, others after the rain stopped and the Sun peaked out. Since it was technically rained out we are doing it again on October 16, 2022.