HHS Football: T-Minus 73 Days

This summer (June 27th to be precise) and for the second year in a row, I began photographing the Panthers Football team from their first day of training. June 27 began the countdown: “T-Minus 73-Days.” 

What had always interested me was to help show everyone the journey that teams like this one travel just to be ready for their first game. To take the field for game 1— wearing the coveted gear of a Panther football player—takes excruciating effort, sweat and commitment by the players. Add to this the huge effort from the coaching staff and the loyal backing from the players’ families.

Capturing 6 AM June training sessions to capturing this team in its Division semi-final was more than special. It was one heck of a journey.

While the Panthers may not have made it to Gillette (they were neck-and-neck at half-time against undefeated Duxbury), in my mind, they remain clear champions.

And the best part is the season isn’t over yet. Thanksgiving Day brings Westwood to Kamitian Field at 10 AM.

To see the team’s journey from T-Minus 73-Days check out @kbr.photos on Instagram. Game photos can also be seen at kbrphoto.com.

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