Contributed by Karen Fung, Webmaster of HHS
It’s been about four months since the Governor’s stay at home order in March. As we go through this strange collective experience while the state slowly opens, the Holliston Historical Society would like to hear about how you are doing. Please visit our website and leave a comment to our post:
Stories will be anonymous and if you would like, you can also submit artwork, photos, etc. with your stories. Here are a couple of submissions so far:
From a respondent, aged 50’s:
“At first I thought nothing of the lockdown and then I heard all these people talking about it – then I brought my monitor home from work and set up my “office” on a card table in the living room. It was strange working from home then I got into a rhythm. I am a little anxious for several older relatives. I am back at work now (my home laptop doesn’t work as well). I have known several people who passed on due to COVID. It is sad. It is sad for the families who are trying to say goodbye to their loved ones. I hope the rest of the country shows some respect for those who didn’t make it. Thank you to all the nurses, doctors, and EMT’s who have helped those who needed it. Thank you to all the grocery store workers and the cleaners who risk their lives by going to work and doing their jobs.”
Here is some artwork created by a respondent while at home:

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