Holliston Lions Club Meat Raffle

With the assistance of Casey’s Pub and the Holliston Superette, the Holliston Lions Club will be sponsoring their 1st quarterly Meat Raffle on Saturday, April 22, 2023. This event will be from 12pm to 3pm at Casey’s. Here’s how it works: We’ll have three tables of meat and prizes to display. For each table, we’ll be selling raffle tickets – one strip of 10 tickets will cost $5 meaning you get 10 chances to win on that table. Tickets are drawn until there are no items remaining on the table and then tickets will commence for the 2nd table (or 3rd table).

We’ll also be conducting a 50/50 raffle for $5 per entry. The proceeds of the 50/50 will be divided evenly with whoever’s ticket is drawn and Lions Clubs International Foundation. The proceeds from the sale of tickets for each table will also be used to benefit Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and as such, your purchase of tickets for either the tables, or the 50/50 are fully tax deductible.

This promises to be a fun afternoon, allows us to continue supporting LCIF and allows you to learn more about the Lions while supporting Casey’s and Holliston Superette. Without your support, and our community sponsors, the Holliston Lions Club would not be able to  continue our long and proud history of serving the needs of Holliston.

Why Lions Clubs International Foundation you ask? Many of you are familiar with the phrase “where there’s a need, there’s a Lion”. LCIF is the grantmaking arm of Lions Clubs International. Through these grant programs, we address humanitarian needs across the globe including needs at home.

To quote the LCIF home page, “The story of LCIF is epic—filled with unlimited compassion and tireless support of Lions service. Founded in 1968, the mission of LCIF is to “empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.”

For more than 50 years, we’ve dedicated our energies to increasing the ability of Lions everywhere, helping them empower the communities they serve. With every grant we give, our history grows, along with the impact of Lions. Today, we couldn’t be more proud of where we stand, or more excited about the future of our work.”

Since the start of LCIF in 1968 the foundation is committed to helping wherever it is needed. Today, with refugees being displaced in Ukraine, the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria, and the countless weather-related disasters right here in the United States, including the most recent tornados in Mississippi and Alabama, the importance of supporting LCIF is more important than ever.

We’re asking for your help! This year, the Holliston Lions Club has donated more than $5,000 to LCIF and with your help, we can donate even more. You can help us by supporting this meat raffle, or you can send a check payable to LCIF to the Holliston Lions Club, PO Box 6112, Holliston MA 01746 before April 15

The Holliston Lions Club extends a heartfelt thanks to both Casey’s and Holliston Superette for their support of this important event!  For those in the community who help us every day, your support means more to us than we can ever express! Thank you for every dollar you donate to help us provide more services to those in need.

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