Holliston Seniors Enjoy a Holiday Feast

One sign of the season is the luncheon held at the Holliston Senior Center. This year’s luncheon welcomed more guests than in the past couple of years. Once again, members of the Holliston Police Department were serving the meals.

Officer John Loftus (right) chats with some of the guests as they get settled.
(Front to back) SGT Ken Belson, Officer Dave Charette, Officer Charlie Grace, Officer Dan Griffith, Det. Bryan DiGiorgio, and SRO Mike Woods served up delicious food from Oliva’s in Milford.
The Tune Timers (the Sr. Ctr. “House Band”) provided music to dine and dance by all afternoon.
Peter Eagan (above right) ponders the holiday word puzzle sheet provided to test knowledge of classic holiday tunes.
Members of HPD joined the Senior Center Staff (Director Lisa Borchetta, Asst. Dir. Amanda Boralessa-Looper, Outreach Coor. Melicia DaCosta, and Admin Asst. Debbie Dupuis behind Melicia) for this photo op.
In the spirit of giving, St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Al Scaramella (left), presented a $4,000 donation to the Senior Support Foundation (the group that provides funding for most of the programming at the Sr. Ctr.) to SSF Chair Neil Svendsen and Director Borchetta. Knight Tom Anguish (right) leads the Knights’ annual charity raffle looks on.

And just when it didn’t seem possible to eat any more, desserts from Gaetano’s arrived at every seat. Tis the season . . .

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