Holliston Youth Basketball is Right Around the Corner

Holliston panthers basketball

Please read below for registration and tryout information

We hope that you have had a great summer!  Registration for 4th grade – 8th grade Holliston Travel Basketball and K-8th grade Town Basketball is now open through September 17th for Travel Basketball and October 21st for Town Basketball.  Please visit >>REGISTER HERE to learn more or to register.   If you have questions about setting up an account or registering a player, please view the following video tutorial: Player Registration Overview

Town Basketball:

The HYBA Town basketball program meets once per week and runs for approximately eight weeks beginning in early December.  

  • Girls and Boys in K- 1st grade will play in a clinic format on Sundays for 1 hour per session. 
  • Boys games for grades 3rd – 8th will be played on Saturdays.  Boys in 2nd grade and girls in grades 2nd and 3rd will play on Sundays and will be assigned a 75-minute time slot.  The format is practice time followed by a game for grades 2nd-8th.
  • Town grade coordinators will organize teams and prepare schedules for season play. 

Travel Basketball:

The Holliston Youth Basketball Association (HYBA) travel program is part of the Metrowest Basketball League.  Parents should be aware of the following aspects of Travel basketball:

  • Travel basketball is a competitive format. The Travel team selection process is conducted through tryouts. While all players are welcome and urged to attend tryouts, all should be aware that team sizes are limited and that cuts are an unfortunate part of the tryout process. 
  • The first tryout will be held on Sunday, September 18th.   The second tryout will be scheduled during the week of September 26th.  Specific times will be announced soon.   It is highly recommended that players attend both tryouts. However, players must attend at least one tryout to be eligible for the program.  If your child has a valid reason why they cannot attend either tryout, please contact HYBA at youthbasketball.holliston@gmail.com.  
  • Each team generally plays 12 regular season games starting in early December, with 6 scheduled at Holliston gyms. The remaining games are played in surrounding towns and may require travel time of up to 45-60 minutes or more each way. HYBA does not control scheduling, and most games are on Sundays. Playoffs are held early to mid-March.
  • Teams typically practice twice per week with one of the practices on Saturday. However, some weeks may be limited to one practice due to gym availability or Saturday games.
  • Coaches are selected from parents of children on each team, wherever possible. This occurs after Travel teams are selected. Any parent interested in coaching should contact the HYBA board at youthbasketball.holliston@gmail.com
  • It is expected that basketball is the primary winter sport for Travel players and Travel players are expected to regularly attend all scheduled practices and games.

HYBA will continue to monitor and follow state, CDC, and Metrowest guidelines to protect the safety of participants. Participation in HYBA programming during the COVID-19 pandemic is a risk. Parents and guardians of HYBA participants as well as coaches take sole responsibility for their risk.  The season could end at any time due to state guidelines or based on the discretion of the HYBA Board of Directors. Coaches are 100% parent volunteer and volunteers are needed at all levels.   Please assist us in making our community basketball experience even better for our kids.  You can sign up during the registration process or by contacting HYBA at hollistonyouthbasketball@gmail.com .  HYBA would like all children to participate regardless of a family’s financial situation.  Please contact HYBA for a financial aid request.  All requests will be kept confidential.

The tryout schedule is listed below.  Please note some important reminders:

  • You must be registered to attend tryouts. Please visit >>REGISTER HERE to learn more or to register.   
  • Please have players bring a water bottle and a basketball.  Please make sure your name is on the basketball.
  • Parents are not allowed in the gyms. 
  • Please note that the schedule is subject to change and some teams may only require a single tryout.
  • Teams will be announced by October 14th to allow time for the HYBA board to finalize teams and for families to order uniforms.  Town basketball registration will be extended until October 21st for those interested in participating in the town basketball programs. 
  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the tryout to check in and receive a pinnie.

Tryout #1

Sunday, September 18th:

  • Grade 4 girls:        2:00pm – 3:00pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 4 boys:       2:15pm – 3:15pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 5 girls:        3:15pm – 4:15pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 5 boys:       3:30pm – 4:30pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 6 girls:       4:30pm – 5:30pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 6 boys:       4:45pm – 5:45pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 7 girls:       5:45pm – 6:45pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 7 boys:       6:00pm – 7:00pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 8 girls:       7:00pm – 8:00pm @ Holliston High School
  • Grade 8 boys:       7:15pm – 8:15pm @ Holliston High School 

Tryout #2

 Tuesday, September 27th:

  • Grade 5 girls:        6:15pm – 7:15pm @ @ Robert Adams Middle School
  • Grade 8 girls:       7:30pm – 8:30pm @ @ Robert Adams Middle School

Wednesday, September 28th:

  • Grade 6 boys:        6:00pm – 7:00pm @ Robert Adams Middle School
  • Grade 5 boys:       7:00pm – 8:00pm @ Robert Adams Middle School
  • Grade 8 boys:       8:00pm – 9:00pm @ Robert Adams Middle School
  • Grade 4 boys:        6:00pm – 7:00pm @ Sam Placentino Elementary School
  • Grade 4 girls:       7:00pm – 8:00pm @ Sam Placentino Elementary School
  • Grade 7 boys:       8:00pm – 9:00pm @ Sam Placentino Elementary School

Thursday, September 29th:

  • Grade 6 girls:        6:15pm – 7:15pm @ @ Robert Adams Middle School
  • Grade 7 girls:       7:30pm – 8:30pm @ @ Robert Adams Middle School

Please visit www.hollistonbasketball.com to learn more or to register.   Please share the link with anyone you feel may be interested in participating.

Thank you,

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