Medal of Liberty Presented to Holliston Resident

Holliston Reporter
American Legion Commander, Steve Bradford, welcomed those assembled to honor Seaman David Ouellet’s sacrifice.
Family, friends, and Holliston veterans gathered for the presentation. Rep. Dykema is seen holding the citation that she later presented to the Thistle family.
Seaman Ouellet was killed in action while saving his crewmates. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his gallantry. Also pictured here is the commissioning document for the USS David George Ouellet – the only naval vessel named for a seaman.
American Legion Chaplain, Ron Turcotte, presents Seaman Ouellet’s sister, Carol Thistle with a bible as a way to provide the Thistle family with comfort.
Legion Bugler, Joe Cibotti, plays Taps as a tribute to a fallen comrade.
COL Brett Conaway, representing the Governor and the MA Adjutant General, reads the Citation that accompanies this Medal of Liberty.
Lynn Thistle, spoke on behalf of the family. She shared that David was one of several generations in her family who have proudly served our nation.
L-R: Lynn and David Thistle, Debra Thistle, Donna and Jeff Rudd, Carol Thistle, Derek Thistle, COL Brett Conaway.

At the close of the ceremony, all in attendance were invited to adjourn to the dining room for refreshments.

To think that this ceremony might not have happened if veteran Bob Hopkins had not spotted the framed Medal of Honor at Carol’s home.

We remember Seaman David George Ouellet for his valiant service and sacrifice.

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