October Events: Have You Signed Up Yet – Some are Free

October 3rd – Town Meeting Preview; Upper Town Hall / Zoom; 7:30 pm FREE https://www.townofholliston.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif706/f/agendas/october_3_2022_agenda_2.pdf

October 9th – Knights of Columbus History Mystery Car Rallye; St. Mary’s Parking Lot 2:00pm. https://hollistonreporter.com/?s=car+rallye

October 12th – Economic Development Community Workshop; Upper Town Hall / Zoom; 7:00-8:30pm. FREE. Whether attending in-person or via Zoom, please register here:mapc.ma/HollistonWorkshop

October 13th (through 11/17) – HPD Citizens Police Academy; HPD Headquarters; There is no cost to attend the Academy and it is open to all residents 17 and older.  Classes will be held Thursday evenings, 5:30pm-8:30pm Background checks are done on all applicants and unsuitable candidates need not apply.  Accepted applicants are expected to attend every class, as class size is being limited to ensure proper distancing efforts.  Those interested are asked to email Sergeant Matthew Waugh at Waugh@HollistonPolice.com or Sergeant Jonathan Remkus at Remkus@HollistonPolice.com.

October 14 – Lions Club Golf Fundraiser; Pinecrest; 9:00am; Golfers, sponsors, and supporters are welcome to visit the Holliston Lions Club website at www. hollistonmalions.org for a downloadable registration form. You may also register as a golfer, sponsor, or supporter online and pay via credit card or VENMO. Simply select “Charity Golf Tournament” from our menu.

October 17 – Fall Town Meeting; 7:00pm; Holliston High Auditorium

October 21 – Historical Society Oktoberfest; 7-10pm; Tickets are $30 and may be purchased through PayPal at hollistonhistoricalsociety.org and at Crafted, Fiske’s and Superette.

October 22 – State Senator Karen Spilka’s Annual Health Fair; Keefe Tech; 9 – 1:30; FREE; https://karenspilka.com/fair

October 29 – Red Cross Blood Drive; Christ the King Church; 9 – 2; https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=Holliston

October 30 – Newcomers and Neighbors Great Pumpkin Trail Walk; Blair Square; 10 – Noon; $6 per child – $5 per child for HNN members; pay at event

October 30 – HPD Annual Pumpkin Patrol; HPD Headquarters; Pumpkin painting and ghoulish treats; FREE

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