Police Log Gems 4

I posted the log on HollistonReporter.com beginning in 2008. What follows are a few of the entries from the log along with my comments in italics.

May 22, 2016. Two erratic drivers are spotted crossing the centerlines. No other details provided (let’s not make it easy for HPD).

May 23, 2016. Traffic complaint, Pleasant; report of cars “drag racing.” Gone on arrival (no kidding)

Was anybody paying attention at Town Meeting when we voted to approve HPD’s vehicle replacement program?

Police Log for Week of October 9 – 15, 2016. As a service to the crashing public, we should put a kiosk at Washington & Highland stocked with accident report forms and, with so many reports of people living in the woods, it’s surprising that the Selectmen have not passed a Living in the Woods tax.

November 28, 2017. Animal incident, Jeffrey; employee reports past activity that appeared to be from a large wild animal (from the big city are you?).

November 7, 2017. Erratic driver, Washington; Milford PD advises erratic driver headed to Holliston. HPD followed the driver. No violations observed (surprising how your driving improves with a patrol car in your rear-view mirror).

Taking a bite out of crime. A toothless Florida woman was arrested after police found her dentures inside a stolen truck.

March 13, 2017. Vandalism, Minuteman Circle; portable bathroom set on fire (natural gas is flammable).

Peeping Rudolph reported on Norland Street.

00:14 AM. Suspicious activity, Norland; caller heard someone outside bedroom window. HPD determined a deer walked by (HPD’s own Daniel Boone)



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