The Holliston School Committee (HSC) met on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 7:00pm in the Holliston High School Library. The entire meeting was recorded and may be viewed here:
At the start of the meeting, High School Principal Mr. David List gave an overview of the work of the High School Scheduling Committee. This committee was made up of staff from the High School and Administration and was tasked with addressing some of the issues posed by the current High School (HS) block schedule. The recent Equity Audit and NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation report outlined several areas that need to be addressed to better support our students. Some examples of these concerns include scheduling Fine Art and Music classes, ensuring continuity of classes, providing students interventions, and accessing Directed Study Block. (minute 31:10)
The HSC voted to ratify the schedule proposed by the High School Scheduling Committee. The Holliston Federation of Teachers (HFT) voted and did not ratify the schedule. The HSC remains committed to working towards a new High School schedule for next year. (minute 40:11)
Additionally, the HSC voted to ratify the Cafeteria Managers contract. (minute 40:57)
Next, the HSC heard updates from the HHS student representatives, who shared details about high school events. These included the DECA district competition, Theater One Acts, and a Winter Dance on January 16. (minute 42:55)
School Committee member comments included Mr. Frank Ogura’s update that he was able to observe the Placentino and Miller dismissal procedures. Mr. Joseph Paru thanked Mr. List and the HS Scheduling Committee for their work on the proposed new schedule for the HS. (minute 44:10)
Six community members made public comments. Ms. Amanda Rivera, High School Chemistry teacher, explained why she and the majority of teachers voted to not ratify the proposed schedule. (minute 47:02) Ms. Barbara Ryan spoke to discuss PTO updates, ask about how the additional 15 minutes of the school day will be used, and to express interest in the possibilities of a non-block HS schedule. (minute 55:13) Ms. Ashley Nelson-Oneschuk, parent and Co-President of the Holliston Music and Arts Parents Association (HMAPA), spoke in support of the proposed non-block HS schedule which would provide greater flexibility for students and potentially enhance the development of the music and arts offerings at the HS. (minute 58:58) Ms. Jess Ommen expressed concerns regarding the recent HSC vote on new school times. (minute 1:01:49) Mr. Vishal Ramanathan, HS freshman, presented concerns regarding the proposed HS schedule changes. (minute 1:06:07) Ms. Autumn Smith, HS junior, also presented concerns regarding the proposed HS schedule changes. (minute 1:09:58)
Following public comment, the HSC had two presentations. The first presentation was Budget – Part III and covered the Special Education costs in the FY26 budget. (minute 1:13:09) The second presentation was an update from the Math Study Group. The administration’s recommendation is to de-level math and science at the Middle School. The HSC will continue to work with administration on its recommendation. (minute 1:25:39)
Following the presentations, the HSC reviewed three policies. Policy EEA – Transportation – student was reviewed as amended and approved by the committee. Policy JJIF – Athletic Concussion Policy is now titled JJIF Head Injuries and Concussions in Extracurricular Activities was reviewed as amended and approved. Finally, the HSC did a first read of policy IJDNC – Acceptable Use of Digital Resources. (minute 2:42:56)
Dr. Susan Kustka updated the committee that the RAMS principal search would be facilitated by Mr. List and Ms. Joanne Menard. Dr. Kustka also held a Placentino Round Table with students on January 8. (minute 3:05:52)
The HSC will meet next on January 23, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. for the Priority Needs and then at 7:00 p.m. for the School Committee.
A note to readers: This recap is by no means an exhaustive summarization of the School Committee Meeting. Please always feel free to reach out to any member of the committee with questions or concerns at any time.
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