Select Board Appoints New Town Accountant

Holliston Select Board Chair Ben Sparrell called the May 1, 2023 meeting to order at 7:01pm.  The Board got right to work despite Mr. Sparrell’s invitation to “add your May joke here,” which didn’t get any takers.

Memorial Day Parade Update

Above, Memorial Day Committee member and Past Commander of American Legion Post 47 Steve Bradford, provided an overview of the plans for honoring those Hollistonians who made the ultimate sacrifice and Gold Star families.  The events begin on Wednesday, May 24th and conclude with the annual parade on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29th (rain or shine).  LTC (Ret) Julie Winston will be the parade Grand Marshal.  The parade route will be slightly altered to make a stop at the Iraq / Afghanistan monument along Front St.  Currently, the HHS Band is not scheduled to march.  Mrs. Hein read a statement that concludes with “hopes that a solution can be found” to the apparent impasse.  Memorial Day Parade Committee Member Walter McGrath will reach back out to the administration to seek a resolution.  The Board thanked the Committee for its work and continued dedication to Holliston’s military / veterans’ community.

The Board unanimously approved the event permit for the Memorial Day Parade.

Confirmation of Appointment of Town Accountant – Gita Patel

Above left, Gita Patel is introduced to the Board by ATA / HR Director Kathleen Buckley (back to camera).  Ms. Patel comes to Holliston from a finance role with the Town of Hudson.  She was attracted to the Holliston’s job thanks to our AAA Bond rating.  She was selected following two interviews, the second a scenario-based practical exercise.  The Board was “very excited” by Ms. Patel’s resume.  Ms. Patel is preparing to take the CPA Exams in March of 2024.  Mr. Cronin is looking for the Town Accountant to tighten the procurement process and strengthen financial controls as needed.

The Board unanimously confirmed the appoint of Gita Patel with a start date to be determined.

May 2023 Annual Town Meeting

Mr. Ahern has posted all information currently available for the May Town Meeting on the Town website ->  On this page, all the available information / documentation is posted – and will be updated as new information is available.

  • The May Town Meeting will be held in the Holliston High School Auditorium, beginning at 7:00pm, on Monday, May 15, 2023.
  • Babysitting MAY be available onsite provided by the HCAF Youth Division.
  • Senior Citizens may request access to reserved parking by contacting the Senior Center who will coordinate with HPD to issue the necessary paperwork.

Public Comment:

  • Mrs. Hein:
    • Wednesday May 3rd is a Safe Routes to School “Walk, Bike, and Roll” day.  The fun kicks off at 7:00am at the nearly completed Blair Square.
  • Mr. Cronin:
    • He has contacted Mindful Recovery, a business located on Exchange Street, to continue contacting / interviewing Holliston business owners.
    • Attended the Holliston Garden Club tree dedication held at Blair Square on Saturday.  (A separate report on the dedication will be posted later this week.)
  • Mr. Sparrell:
    • He extended an open invitation to residents of all ages to join him for his monthly Select Chat, this Friday (Cinco de Mayo) beginning at 9:30 am in the Senior Center dining room.
    • He encouraged all residents to provide input to the Envisioning Future Holliston data collection phase (more information in Mr. Ahern’s comments below).
  • Public: None

Weekly Warrant(s): The Board approved the weekly Accounts Payable & Payroll warrants totaling – > $602,635.55

Comments from the Town Administrator:  Mr. Ahern shared the following with the Board:

  • All residents are encouraged to provide input as consultant BerryDunn does its environmental scan of Holliston.  Data will be collected through mid-June.  Below are the dates, times, and locations of community forums to gather input.

Additional information and links to the May 2, 3, and 4 Hybrid meetings can be found here ->

  • Holliston’s DPW, HPD, HFD Touch-a-Truck will be held Saturday May 6th from 9 – 1 at the Holliston High Parking Lot
  • Lombardo Assoc (Wastewater engineers) will be scheduling meetings in the coming months to contact those residents / businesses that could be in the proposed downtown sewer district.
  • An Acting Assistant Town Clerk, Lori Kelley (a former Town Clerk) will be filling in through the Town Meeting and Town Election
  • There is a vacant seat on the Golf Course Advisory Committee.  Letters of interest should be sent to Mr. Ahern ->

Board Business:  The Board took the following actions:

  • Appointed Michael Gulla as an On-Call Deputy Fire Chief. The Board quoted from Deputy Gulla’s letter of application, and it is paraphrased here, “I have a vision for HFD, that is a unified Fire and EMS department, moving from BLS to ALS ambulance service in the next 3-5 years.”  Mr. Cronin pointed out that this step is another “brick in the wall” of Holliston Fire’s evolution.
  • Awarded the 9 Green Street – Municipal Parking Lot Contract & Notice to Proceed to Onyx Corporation of Acton, MA for an amount not to exceed $411,751
  • Accepted donation of $300 for a sugar maple tree planted at Blair Square from the Holliston Garden Club
  • Accepted donation of services and product (finished compost) worth $360 to the Community Farm from Shady Corner Farm
  • Approved the Event Permit for “Reece’s 6th Birthday Party” on Exchange Street, May 6, 2023, 12PM to 7PM
  • Approved the Event permit for “Dad’s 35th Birthday Party” on Exchange Street, May 28, 2023, 12PM to 9PM
  • Approved the minutes March 13, 2023, meeting.
  • Accepted the $200 donation to Senior Center in memory of Linda Flannery from Suzanne McDonnell
  • Accepted the $100 donation to Senior Center in memory of Linda Flannery from Joan Prendergast and Moises Lorenzo
  • Accepted the $3,000 donation to Park & recreation for the Joshua Taylor camp scholarship.

Josh Taylor was a lifeguard and counselor at Holliston’s Camp Patoma for the past three years.  His mother (below) joined the meeting to announce the Scholarship Fund and thank Holliston for its support following the tragic accident that claimed Josh’s life.  Mrs. Taylor is working with a local bank to establish an account that can accept ongoing donations to this memorial fund.

Other Business:  None

The meeting adjourned at 8:06pm.

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