In attendance: Chair John Cronin, Vice Chair Tina Hein, Clerk Ben Sparrell, and Town Administrator Travis Ahern
ARPA Steering Recommendations
Met a week and a half ago – the board is to consider:
Recommendation From ARPA
Transfer 20K from previous project (Dispatcher Incentive Fund) to Covid Mental Health fund to provide funding through the end of this fiscal year.
There was a discussion regarding the balances of the various grants which have been associated with these projects and we want to make sure there is a plan to allocate4 the funds for the upcoming fiscal years.
Jackie filled everyone in on the responsibilities for the person filling this position. We have been seeing people since COVID and we were very taxed including families, children, and others. With only one full-time clinician we needed help. This additional position allowed us to hire another person and one of the options was direct support which fills 15 hours a week involving face-to-face interaction for those who needed it. Working with Community Action Fund we also gave $75,000 in rent and mortgage relief and we are still getting calls from those who need help.
We also make sure that outreach informs people about what we do and what services we can provide. One of the heaviest areas of need seems to be students who went to college after COVID lockdown and were having mental health issues which we created a program for.
The benefits are we pay modestly, and this can alleviate more than 30 percent of the issues that we have to deal with. Since the community needs change year to year, we currently support about 100 people a year, and this does not include the calls we receive. The program assistant has been doing a tremendous amount of good and we’d like to see this extended.
Ben: 19.5-hour position? Yes, non-benefited – Is it your intention to make this a permanent position? This is the plan yes because we now have the data to show that this position is helpful.
Tina: struck by the good / amount of work that is being done. Program assistant has very interesting interaction with CAC and loves collaboration. Appreciate the information you provided.
Ben made a motion to transfer the funds as requested and Tina seconded. Unanimous.
Ben made a motion to approve warrants, Tina seconded. Unanimous
Public Comment
From Ben: reminder about Marshall Street recycling center – Will be closed on 12/24. Winter parking ban is in effect from 1am to 5am until March 31. Vehicles will be ticketed and towed. Curbside pickup this week.
Monthly select chat at Senior Center at 9:30 – join for questions/conversation.
Tina: question regarding signage on Central mentioning danger at Holiday Stroll. It is part of the current IFB
Second comment: Sorry to have missed Holiday Stroll.
John Cronin – thank you to the Holliston Lions Club for their efforts and other volunteers who prepared Holliston lights for the Holidays. Great job.
Tina suggested everyone find the HCAT tree which is very special and check out the special ornament (take a picture and share on social media.
Comments from the Town Administrator
Sent a couple of items for next meeting include options on FY25 budget. He looked at some of the options for streamlining meetings. He is still working on modeling financials. The finance committee is slated to begin deliberations on 12/5.
Traffic: Power reports regarding Franklin/Central we need to follow up on options. Timing on lights on Green Street also requires some exploration.
Board Business
Appointment Casey Hobson as an EMT
Meeting Schedule January-June 2024
Meeting Minutes October 11, and October 23, 2023
One Day Liquor Permit for Temple Beth Torah, Hanukkah Celebration December 10, 2023 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Request waiver of fees for One Day Liquor Permit for Temple Beth Torah
Council on Aging donation from the Lion’s Club International $100
All items were passed unanimously on a motion by Ben and a second by Tina.
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