Select Board Opens the Fall Town Meeting Warrant

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The Holliston Select Board met on Monday, August 7, 2023.  Chair John Cronin called the meeting to order at exactly 7:00pm.  Mr. Cronin noted that Asst Town Administrator / HR Director Kathleen Buckley was sitting in for Town Administrator Travis Ahern who was taking “well-deserved” time off. 

First on the agenda was the Fall Town Meeting. Only eleven weeks away and it will be here before we know it.

  • The Board voted unanimously to open the Warrant for October 16, 2023, Fall Town Meeting with the Warrant to be closed on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023, at 12pm
  • The Board authorized the Town Administrator’s office to send postcards with QR code / and website link to access electronic version of Warrant to each household in Holliston (estimated cost $4,000).  Also, the communication will direct residents to where printed copies of the Warrant can be obtained.
  • Board members added that this is a great way to increase participation in Town Meeting and are eager to know how many “hits” the QR code / link get through this effort to better plan for future meetings.

Update on 5-Year Town-Wide Strategic Plan Development

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Departmental Strategic Plan Alignment; Fall Town Meeting Presentation – Consultant BerryDunn will complete the CBA and alignment in time for any decisions that might be made at the Fall Town Meeting.

Mr. Sparrell, the Select Board representative on the Envisioning Future Holliston committee, noted that this is “the first step in a forever process, not a conclusion.”

Warrants:  The Board unanimously approved the week warrant in the amount of $653,496.20

Public Comment:

  • Mr. Sparrell:
    • Thanked the Cains for their stewardship of the Holliston Reporter which ends with the reporting of this Select Board meeting. 
    • He wished the new Publisher, Doreen Martel well as she takes the reins.
  • Mrs. Hein:
    • Added that the Cains provided wonderful coverage of the Town during their tenure.
    • Adding to last week’s meeting discussion regarding Lowland and Woodland Streets, it is the Lowland and Woodland intersection that is the Board’s focus.
  • Mr. Cronin:
    • Announced that a vacancy has opened on the Finance Committee.  Letters of interest should be submitted to the Town Administrator.  The Select Board and Finance Committee will hold a joint meeting to conduct interviews on Monday, August 28, 2023.
    • This Sunday, August 13th marks 42years since HPD Officer John Johnson was killed in the line of duty.  Officer Johnson’s convicted killer was recently granted parole by the State Parole Board.  Holliston will never forget the sacrifice of Officer Johnson and his family.
  • Public:
    • David Schroder of Raleigh Road sent a lengthy e-mail which was entered into the meeting minutes.  Board Clerk Sparrell summarized Mr. Schroder’s thoughts – the recent flooding in parts of New England makes it imperative that Holliston have wide-ranging plans to deal with such natural disasters.
    • Ann Chipman, wife of Tom Chipman a business owner in the Lowland Industrial Park, added the following points for NOT closing Lowland Street at the Rail Trail:
      • Most of the traffic through the area is in the morning and afternoon suggesting that this is passenger traffic commuting to schools / work.
      • Closing Lowland would disrupt school bus routes.
      • Closing Lowland could overwhelm the Washington / Whitney intersection – which itself is very close to another Rail Trail crossing.
      • The Board has made reasonable accommodations in the area with: a Heavy Commercial Vehicle Exclusion (HCVE) on Woodland, improved signage, moving utility wires, a new sidewalk on Lowland to connect Woodland to the Rail Trail.
      • “Closing Lowland at the Rail Trail is not a reasonable idea.”

Comments from the Town Administrator, or Designee (ATA / HR Dir. Kathleen Buckley):

  • A Proclamation from the Town was read by the Board Clerk declaring Monday, August 7, 2023 – Yvette and Chris Cain Day for their stewardship of the Holliston Reporter.  Thank you for this honor.
  • Representative James Arena-DeRosa will be holding a Small Business RoundTable on August 23, 2023, in Upper Town Hall.
  • The final Downtown Sewer forum is next Monday, August 14th in Upper Town Hall from 9:30 – 11:00 am.
  • See the dates for the Town-wide Strategic Plan forums (above)
  • On September 22, 2023, a workshop will be held for interested citizens to learn how the Town can use the MAPC $10,000 grant for Public Art.  The workshop will require pre-registration and details will be forthcoming.
  • Holliston has received a $1,500 from the MetroWest Visitors’ Bureau.  The monies will be used to produce high-resolution graphics to be used in promotional materials for distribution across the region.  Mrs. Hein shared that she recently encountered some bicycle tourists at Coffee Haven who were travelling on our Rail Trail (now part of the East Coast Greenway) on their way to New York City.  BTW – their trip originated in Canada!  Mr. Sparrell added that last year’s Farms Day drew quite a few visitors from surrounding towns.  This year’s Farms Day will be Sunday, September 10, 2023.

Board Business: The Board took the following actions:

  • Approved the minutes of the June 20, and June 26, 2023, meetings.
  • Deferred action on this item – Appointment to Conservation Commission Caitlin Newton (Through June 30, 2024)
  • Accepted a $2,640.00 donation to the Senior Center from the Lions Club with a heartfelt thank you.
  • Approved the Notice of Intent Wetland (WPA) signature by Chair for Golf Course for work on the course’s irrigation retention pond.

Other Business:

The meeting adjourned at 7:43pm. 

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3 thoughts on “Select Board Opens the Fall Town Meeting Warrant

  1. Thank you Chris for usual, well detailed report (and last) on the Select Board meeting. Enjoy your “retirement”. Jackie

  2. For clarification the wetlands NOI for the golf course is related to drainage and cart path improvements on holes 2 through 8. It is not for the irrigation pond.

  3. With gratitude to Chris Cain for his thorough reporting of select board and town meetings.

    Where are heavy commercial vehicles – 2 and 1/2 ton trucks going down Lowland going to- Woodland St which has a heavy commercial vehicle exclusion! And 2 and 1/2 ton trucks are excluded from Woodland St except for local deliveries so 2 and 1/2 trucks should not be going up Lowland St. Heavy commercial vehicles by this exclusion should not be on the Lowland St section near the intersection of Woodland. The violation of the HCVE is the problem for our neighborhood.

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