Select Board Puts Finishing Touches on the May Town Meeting Warrant

The Holliston Select Board April 24, 2023, meeting was convened at 7:01pm by Chair Ben Sparrell.  In a shift, Vice-chair John Cronin provided the adjective for the meeting’s agenda – he used the word light.  The light agenda began with a review of the ARPA Steering Group recommendations from its April 13, 2023, meeting.

Town Administrator Ahern and Emergency Management Director Cassidy presented the Board with the recommendations and a high-level look back at how the Town has used its $4.457 million ARPA grant.  Not only did Town entities receive support, but several Holliston non-profit organizations benefited – including HCAT, Holliston Pantry Shelf, and the Historical Society.

The recommendations put forward for Board action were:

  • HCAT (Revenue Loss) – $18,000
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant Permitting – $77,000
  • 9 Green Street, supplemental – $96,000
  • Facilities Assessment (Woodland St. Campus) – $61,165

Reclassification of Previous Authorizations:

  • From YFS Awards to YFS Part-Time Staffing ($1,800 and $5,000, total $6,800)

The Board unanimously approved the recommendations ($252,165) and reclassifications and deferred action on the items below until a later date.

Postpone action until after Annual Town Meeting:

  • From Full Day Kindergarten to Music Lab ($75,000)
  • From Full Day Kindergarten to HS Auditorium Lighting ($250,000)

Based on the spreadsheet shared by Mr. Ahern, there remains about $800,000 in ARPA funds to expend.  Mr. Cronin added that he is proud of the way that Holliston has used its grants to support our community’s needs.

May 2023 Annual Town Meeting Warrant – Final Review

Mr. Ahern presented the final draft of the May Town Meeting to the Board.

The Articles highlighted in yellow could / would be combined into a Consent Agenda with one vote taken on all the included items.

The Warrant packet will include two renderings for Articles 25 and 31.

The yellow highlight indicates a sidewalk that the Board requested the developer include.

Article 29 is a Tree By-law that is one of the criteria for being considered for Tree City USA.  The Article provides the Select Board and Planning Board to promulgate the regulations that would govern trees on Town lands.

The Board discussed some minor language changes and approved the Warrant as presented with any non-substantive changes as may be needed before the Warrant is posted.

Mr. Ahern expects to post the finished Warrant on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.

Public Comment:

  • Mrs. Hein – None
  • Mr. Cronin – None
  • Mr. Sparrell – None
  • Public:

Dr. Liz Theiler asked several questions:

  • Are 3 Deputy Fire Chiefs necessary? (one to be appointed later in the meeting, a second posting is open, and Town Meeting may approve a request for a special act of the legislature to allow Deputy Mark Dellicker to stay on past the mandatory retirement age of 65. Dr. Theiler noted that the 3 deputies are in addition to 43 on-call firefighters / officers and 4 auxiliary members and the new Assistant Chief / EMS Director.
  • When was the last time Holliston had 3 Deputies?
  • Why was no Holliston ambulance listed in the published Fire / EMS log as responding to the fatal March 18, 2023, accident on Highland Steet.

Mr. Ahern and / or Chief Cassidy will answer Dr. Theiler via email.

Warrants (weekly A/P & Payroll): The Board approved the weekly warrants totaling -> $1,670,903.45

Comments from the Town Administrator: Mr. Ahern provided the following updates to the Board:

  • 3 episodes of “Ask the TA” on HCAT are production for release soon related to: Articles 21 and 22, The Assistant Fire Chief Position, and The Town Meeting Warrant.
  • Drafted a letter for the Board’s approval / signature to send to the owner of Authentic Auto Body enumerating the complaints / concerns stemming from Authentic’s recent car show and to request input from the company’s owner regarding the event.  The Board unanimously approved the letter which was then signed by the Clerk.

Board Business: The Board took the following actions:

  • Appointed Alan Greendale as an On-Call Deputy Fire Chief
  • Appointed three (3) Per Diem EMTs:
    • Jeremy Kempton
    • Corey Flodstrom
    • Shamus Miller
  • Postponed action on 9 Green Street – Contract and Notice to Proceed until the May 1, 2023, meeting.
  • Proclaimed May 15, 2023, as Peace Officers’ Memorial Day in Holliston remembering Officer John Johnson who was killed in the line of duty.
  • Approved an event permit for a Train Show April 29, 2023, at the Historical Society

Other Business:  Mr. Cronin asked for a follow-up meeting with the Celebrate Holliston group organizing the 300th anniversary celebration.  Mr. Ahern noted that the Tricentennial Parade is now planned for May 11, 2024.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm.

2 thoughts on “Select Board Puts Finishing Touches on the May Town Meeting Warrant

  1. The fire/EmS log for March 18, 2023, indicated that “Rescue 1…” responded whereas through the log for all other calls it lists: “The ambulance responded.” the Fire chief has now indicated to me that the Holliston ambulance did respond to this accident, there is no ambulance listed in the log and as I understand a Rescue truck is different from an ambulance. However, it is very clear that in a serious accident like this Holliston needs paramedics and should not have to rely on other towns to bring their paramedics as in this deadly accident Holliston called on Ashland paramedics according to the log.
    Grateful to the three new EMTs approved last evening Holliston truly needs your service as we only have 17 EMTs presently.

    1. I want to applaud Liz for being a tireless advocate to improve our town’s public safety departments. Thank you for always speaking up and educating your fellow residents.

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