Select Board Receives Several Project Updates

Holliston Select Board Chair John Cronin convened the July 10, 2023, meeting at 7:01pm. 

The review of a draft pavement management report from engineering firm Beta Group was postponed due to a last-minute issue for the Beta presenter.

The Board jumped ahead to an donation item as the presenter was in the audience and wouldn’t have to wait.  The report on the item appears below in the Board Business section.

Update on Lowland Street discussion and research

Mr. Cronin and Mr. Ahern met recently met with Mike Pompili of McMahon Associates to develop a proposal to study the items listed below in the Scope of Services.

In addition to these four items, the McMahon work would include an in-depth cost analysis for all proposed solutions AND short and long-term plans for the Washington / Whitney Street intersection.

The members of the Board expressed their support for this work and were “glad that professional input” was being sought.

Neighborhood residents voiced the following continuing issues:

  • Noise
  • Vehicles over 2.5 tons routinely ignoring the Heavy Commercial Vehicle Exclusion – regardless of height.
  • One resident noted three large trucks in the neighborhood (about 60 homes) in a short span of time on the same day.
  • A real deterrent is needed.
  • Asked that McMahon include historical Lowland traffic studies in this analysis.

Residents thanked the Board for their continuing work on this decades-long issue.

Local electrician Tom Chipman met with Eversource on July 10th at the utility pole at the intersection of Woodland and Lowland.  Mr. Chipman reported that Eversource would soon be moving their wires higher up on the new pole.  Residents asked that they be notified when the power will be shut down for the transfer.  Mr. Cronin asked Mr. Chipman to coordinate his efforts with Eversource through Mr. Ahern’s office.

The Board unanimously approved the contract award and authorized Mr. Ahern to move forward.  The funding for this engagement will come from previously approved Traffic Advisory Committee funds.  The Board is looking for a report within 4 – 6 weeks.

Public Comment:

  • Mr. Sparrell:
    • A Community Sing will be held at the Historical Society on July 21st from 7 – 8pm.
    • Superette owner Chris Lencini has offered his store window as a place for the Town to post project progress information so folks can scan a QR code to get the latest scoop.
  • Mrs. Hein:
  • Mr. Cronin:
    • Noted that the Town’s Facilities Manager James Keast will be working with the Holliston Public Schools to develop a facilities report that would support HPS’s Statement of Interest.
  • Public: None (beyond what was noted above)

Comments from the Town Administrator:  Mr. Ahern and James Keast (below) “tag-teamed” an update of seven major initiatives currently underway.  The Town website has an ongoing list of Project Updates ->

  • Capital Projects – Status Updates:
    • Solar Project at Capped Landfill on Marshall Street (Contractor: SolSystems)

The Town’s consultant (Beth Greenblatt) is expected to give a FINAL update to the Board at its next meeting.

  • Downtown Sewer District – Feasibility & System Modernization (Consultant: Lombardo Associates)

With funding approved at Town Meeting and ARPA funds work is ongoing at the Linden Street Wastewater Treatment Plant to modernize the operation and prepare to potentially process additional effluent.  Mr. Keast pointed out that the output of this plant is not the same discharge that enters the ground from septic leaching fields, the plant’s output is clean as it reenters the groundwater supply.  Keast encouraged residents to attend one of the two remaining forums to learn more and ask questions of the engineers working on the project.

  • DPW Facility at Cross Street (Consultant: Weston & Sampson)

Weston & Sampson have completed the Phase I environmental survey.  Awaiting permission from Land Court to proceed to the Phase II survey that includes extracting samples from below the property.  The Board asked that Weston & Sampson might use any time delay from Land Court to complete the environmental survey of the land on Central and Arch Streets where the current DPW facilities are.

  • Municipal Parking Lot (with EV) at 9 Green Street (Consultant: Pare Corp.)

Mr. Keast reported that concrete has been poured for the wall along Green St. Electrical conduit will be laid this week.  Drainage: drains, culverts and a drainage garden are in place.  He expects paving to be completed in about two weeks.  Shortly thereafter, the parking lot should be open (with the exception of light stanchions and EV charging stations (ultimately there will be 6 – initially there will be 2).  The Select Board will act on a traffic pattern into and out of the new lot at an upcoming meeting.

  • Blair Square

The Pavilion is going up and should be completed shortly.  Mr. Chipman’s electrical firm will finish the lighting in the park and Mr. Keast will work to install bollards recommended by HPD to prevent cars from entering the park at the trail entrances.  Mrs. Hein declared it, “the happiest place in town.”

  • Woodland Street Bridge / Dam Reconstruction (Consultant: Pare Corp.)

The first deliverable of the contract with Pare was sent to the State by the due date.  As part of the overall project, the Holliston DPW will construct a permanent sidewalk on Lowland St to connect Woodland to the Rail Trail as a by-pass during the construction and thereafter.

  • Town-wide LED Streetlight Conversion

Each blue / green bubble indicates a streetlight that has been – or will be converted to LED bulbs.  Mr. Keast reports that the entire conversion is expected to be completed by July 30th.

There’s about 900 streetlights in Holliston!

One of the new LED lights is very close to home – literally.  For the first time since moving here, there is a steady glow on our street.  Keast noted that when the lights go on at sunset and are lit at 40% power and at 11:00pm they reduce to 20% and return to 40% at 5:00am for the early birds.

A red dot indicates a fixture that is not yet ready to be converted – for a variety of reasons.

Warrants: The Board unanimously approved two warrants – one for FY 23 and one for FY 24: $281,177.00 and $437,550.69.

Board Business: The Board took the following actions:

  • Approved the event permit for the Cystic Fibrosis Cycle for life September 30, 2023, beginning at 6:00am
  • Approved the $302,960 contract, with Village Green Restoration for 5 Historic Cemeteries – the CPC funds to cover this contract was approved at May 2023 Town Meeting.
  • Approved the minutes from the May 1, 8, and 30, 2023, meetings with a big thank you to Peg Driscoll for keeping up with all that goes on each week.
  • Approved All alcoholic beverage permit (Bon Fete) Upper Town Hall Family gathering August 19, 2023, 3 to 11 p.m. Mrs. Hein noted that Bon Fete is a Holliston business.
  • Approved All alcoholic beverage permit (Bon Fete) Upper Town Hall event July 15, 2023, 5:00 p.m. to 11:00p.m.
  • Appointed Linda Marshall as Holliston’s representative Metro West Regional Transit Authority through June 2024.
  • Accepted a $4,500 donation from the Lions’ Club for Holliston Tax Relief Fund. Mr. Cronin noted that Holliston residents may be eligible to use this fund and should contact the Assessor’s office for more information.

Above, Lions Immediate Past President Mike McKenna presents the check to the Board on behalf of the Holliston Lions Club and reminded everyone that one of the major fundraisers is this week ->  The Holliston Lions return all funds raised back into the community.

  • Appointed Sneha Narayanan (below) to the Conservation Commission through June 30, 2024.  Ms. Narayanan, a recent transplant to Holliston is excited to volunteer in this way.

Other Business:

Mr. Ahern presented the year-end transfers that have yet to be approved.  He noted that these transfers need to be approved by the Select Board and Finance Committee and that the funding sources for each might change – but there is sufficient funding in the FY 23 budget to cover the needed transfers.  The Select Board approved the transfers as presented.

The meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.

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One thought on “Select Board Receives Several Project Updates

  1. The time is now even more critical for action to enforce the heavy commercial truck exclusion zone on Lowland St. to protect the children who will be using the proposed permanent sidewalk to the rail trail to go to school, as well as residents using the rail trail.
    How is the proposed height restricting beam going to be a deterrent for commercial trucks of 2 & 1/2 tons? We need a deterrent for weight also.
    Will the height deterrent have a beeping mechanism that our neighborhood will be subjected to at all hours of day and night?
    The present heavy commercial truck exclusion zone is not working. The police issued 36 citations from January to July 10, 2023 on Woodland, Lowland, Norland and Regal St.
    Thank you to the Town Administrator and the Select Board for working on a structural solution to enforce the Heavy Commercial Truck Exclusion zone to protect users of the rail trail and our neighborhood.

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