The days are getting longer, and Spring is only a few months away. If your sunlight is limited in your backyard, or if you just can’t stand the thought of digging a backyard garden plot, maybe a ready-made garden spot is just the answer.

The town via the local Agricultural Commission (AC) and the Community Farm offers several sites with 10’ x 10′ plots for garden enthusiasts. PJ Kilkelly, Chair of the Agricultural Commission, told the Reporter that the AC’s plots on Prentice Street behind the Club House at Pinecrest Golf Course have many repeat gardeners, but several spaces may be available for the upcoming gardening season. Those interested can apply via the AC website: – click under Farms/Events for an application.

Kris Westland, Chair of the Community Farm Advisory Committee, said that spaces are available at the Community Farm on Rogers Road in the East Holliston area of town. Those wishing to reserve a spot can do so at:
- Both locations are fenced-in, deterring pesky varmints and critters from destroying crops;
- Water is available on site; and
- Chit chat with your fellow gardeners and learn gardening secrets.
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Does it cost money to have a plot?
Yes, It is on the application — for the Community Farm