You’re never too young or old to enjoy a model train show.

While it was raining in the morning of April 20, 2024, train fans came to see the model trains laid out in the Historical Society’s barn.

In the Asa Whiting House the dining room was converted to a display honoring Walt Disney.
The other rooms included displays of the clubs that participated in the show
(Above a ¾” scale locomotive)
An interactive train simulator was set up in the Library (below).
As the rain ended by 11 AM, the outside track, set up by the Waushakum Live Steamers, was running full steam with passengers, young and old.
(Above Holliston’s Citizen of the Year and member of the Waushakum Live Steamers, Richard Ball, takes a family for a ride.)
Jim Abrams, above, President of the Waushakum Live Steamers, organized this event, the Holliston Historical Society’s second annual train show, bringing many members of the Waushakum Live Steamers as well as members of the HUB Division HO Scale Club.
Holliston resident and 2023 Holliston Citizen of the Year Dick Ball is a member of the Waushakum Live Steamers and The Hub Division HO scale train clubs. Dick is responsible for bringing the Hub Division and the outdoor train setup featured at the event.
Waushakum members Mike Chapin and Dominic Padula displayed the beautiful Disney display, Mathew Betzner brought and operated the exciting virtual train simulator, and Bob Randall and Ben Turner set up an extensive O-scale layout with Lego buildings, complete with a running Lionel Big Boy steam locomotive. Joe Ng displayed his remarkable backyard foundry, complete with aluminum ingots from recycled scooters.
Jed Wear and Robert Foster displayed impressive ¾ scale locomotives and a working miniature water pump; Jim Abrams and Bobbie Jo Raiano created the Waushakum display table, featuring a ¾” locomotive and rolling stock, photographs, and train castings and showcased a tank car and vintage caboose.
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