Oy, yay! Oy, yay! The Town Crier (Chris Cain of the Holliston Reporter) rang in the opening of Holliston’s first of the season’s Farmer’s Market at Blair Square. Above, Bobby Blair, whose market-vision came to life Sunday morning at 9 AM, spoke to early birds gathered.

Select Board Chair Tina Hein welcomed everyone (above). She fondly reminisced about a Farmer’s Market held in 2012 on the Exchange Street Public Parking Lot. There have been no Farmers’ Markets held in the intervening years.

Robert Weidknecht, Chair of the Holliston Trails Committee, added his thanks to Bobby—not only for his work with today’s Farmer’s Market—but also for all he does for the town.

Bob Blair then took his seat under the shade of a red and white umbrella for a “Meet the Author” moment. His two recently published books, A Holliston Call to Duty, and A Holliston Oath to Support and Defend, were on display and available for purchase. Of course, there was always time for a chat with friends.

Matt Zettek, Holliston Sustainability Coordinator, spoke to attendees about the MetroWest Solar and Clean Heat Challenge.

Art was on display in all its splendor, with many of Holliston’s own artists’ works on display. Vibrant and colorful paintings and photographs drew the eyes of many.

HCAT’s Bruce Gilfoy was on hand to work his artistic magic on video film for the community. You should be able to find his work posted on the HCAT site soon.

Crafters, including Blair’s own sister, Pat Maley, had their work on display. (We know what she was doing during the pandemic’s quiet days!)

Out Post Farm (Holliston) created a display that attracted many, including Liz Woodhouse, anxious to put the fresh veggies to good use.

Chryso Lawless greets the Town Crier as they stroll the trail. The Town Crier distributed a “limited print edition” of the Holliston Reporter for this inaugural Farmers’ Market.
Farther down in the direction of the Exchange Street Bridge is the Trail land set aside for a Veterans’ monument. Memorial bricks are still available. See the website here: https://www.hollistonveterans.org/

Attendees’ cars lined Front Street, adjacent to the Market. We can’t wait to see what great shopping next week’s Market brings! See you there!
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It was a great opening day. Thanks to all who participated!
This pictorial stroll shows what a great day it was.
What a beautiful day. I was able to get real fresh eggs and the mayor’s book. I saw old friends and met new ones.