New 4-foot Bike Law

As part of An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities, Mass DOT was required to post signage across the Commonwealth to spread the word about the new 4-foot passing law that went into effect on April 1, 2023.  Massachusetts is the 36th state to define passing of at least 3 feet.

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Local Reporting by Local People

As our tenure comes to an end on Tuesday, we have been asked to recap our Holliston Reporter experience – both for the Town’s history, and as encouragement to all Holliston newcomers to jump right into the community’s life.

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New HHS Principal David List—Building Relationships

In only his third week as Principal of Holliston High School, David List is busy meeting with students, teachers, parents, and members of the community to gather their thoughts and begin building relationships.  In his introductory letter to parents, List wrote, “It is a privilege to be part of a community that values education and fosters a nurturing environment for growth and learning.” 

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Better the Second Time Around?

Chris and I met with Mark Ahronian prior to his Friday night shift at the Lion’s Club Annual Carnival.  Recently elected President of the Club, Mark is excited to note that this is his second go-round as President—the first time was in 2006-7.  He excitedly noted, “No one has ever been President twice!”

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Communication Is Key to Alfred

A flurry of activity followed the Town Elections, as Dan Alfred resigned from the Finance Committee to assume his place as newly elected member of the School Committee.  Only the week prior, the Holliston Federation of Teachers (HFT) reported a vote of no confidence in the Superintendent.  During its June 1 meeting, the School Committee voted to appoint Alfred its new Chair.

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Youth Advisory Committee Meets

The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) meeting was called to order by Chair Matt Putvinski at 7:03 PM, on Monday, May 8, 2023. April meeting minutes were approved and will be available on the Youth and Family Services website.

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Tina Hein Encourages Questions and Conversations

Tina Hein reserves time prior to her weekly Select Board meetings to chat with residents.  On any Monday evening at 6 PM, residents are encouraged to meet Hein in the comfort of the Upper Town Hall conference room (also accessible by elevator).  Hein invited me to visit with her recently, and I found her to be encouraging of questions and open to any conversation topics and direction.

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Zoom into Board and Committee Meetings

While recently attending a “Select Chat” at the Senior Center featuring Ben Sparrell, Select Board Chair, I spoke to Millie Kampersal, long-time Holliston resident, about the ease of accessing Select Board meetings.  She admitted that although she’d like to access some meetings, she didn’t know where to go for directions to do so.  This short conversation with Millie made me think that there might be others who would like the process described for them. 

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Library Trustees Meet with a MA Board of Library Commission’s Building Representative

The Library Trustees’ January 4, 2023, meeting began with a presentation by Andrea Bono-Bunker (photo above), MA Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) Library Building Specialist, to apprise the group of new regulations concerning Building Grants for 2024.  With all Trustees present, as well as Library staff and Holliston Facilities Director James Keast, a lively discussion ensued.

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Holliston Historian Seeking Vignettes

Holliston Historian Joanne Hulbert visited the Senior Center on Thursday, December 1, 2022, to provide a little town history and set the groundwork for a book to celebrate the town’s 300th anniversary in 2024.

Joanne’s entire presentation can be viewed on HCAT (link included below).

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Library Trustees Meet

Holliston’s Library Trustees met remotely on Wednesday, October 19, 2022.
An author talk by Kate Quinn will be presented TONIGHT, Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 7 PM at the Library.

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Higher Fuel Bills Anticipated

Whether you heat your home with gas, oil, or electricity, recent news announcing rising fuel costs may stress not only you, but also your family budget. Experienced Massachusetts renters and homeowners are familiar with many ways to stave off high bills—many shared by their own fuel suppliers. But a review of the options may be timely.  Additionally, residents’ personal finances may have changed such that they are in need of financial resources to keep homes warm and comfortable during long cold New England winters.

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Valle’s Art Featured in Chinatown Murals

Nell Valle, Holliston High School alumna (2017), will have her mural featured this fall in Boston Chinatown on the windows of the Liuyishou Hotpot, 702 Washington Street, as a part of the “Experience Chinatown Arts Festival 2022.”

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