From Leslie McDonnell
Author and hiker Sam Ducharme will speak at the Holliston Public Library on Tuesday, January 14, at 7 PM, about his life-changing journey over 2000 miles on the Appalachian Trail. Sam is a retired K9 officer and life-long resident of Connecticut.
With only a love for the outdoors and a ticket to Georgia, he began walking North. Sam will bring his gear and share stories of connection to the beauty of our country and its people. This program, funded by the Friends of the Library, is free and all are welcome.

The library’s 2020 selection for “One Book, One Holliston,” an annual town-wide community reading program, is Connie Herzberg Mayo’s The Island of Worthy Boys.
The novel is the story of a friendship between Charles Wheeler and Aidan Sullivan, two boys surviving on the violent streets of 1889 Boston. Bound by a terrible secret, the boys escape to the Boston Farm School on Thompson Island where their friendship will be tested and their future determined.
Connie will present her program on the history of the real Thompson’s Island and the boys who grew up there on Thursday, February 13, at 7 PM. She lives in Sharon and is a systems analyst when she is not writing.
Copies of the book are now available to borrow in print and electronic format. The Morning Book Club will discuss the book at their regular meeting on Mon, February 3 at 11 am.

The library’s History Book Club is moving to morning meetings beginning on Monday, January 27, at 10:30 AM with a discussion of The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation, by Brenda Wineapple. Books are available to check out about a month before the discussion. Coffee is included and new members are always welcome.
Pamela Pinter Parsons will present “Bringing Mindfulness into the Home for Parents” on Wednesday, January 27, at 7 PM. She will present tips on replacing stress and anxiety with calm and organization.

Residents who would like to learn to use electronic books and audio are invited to get one-on-one help at the Holliston Senior Center on Thursday, January 30, 10:30-11:30 AM, by library staff.
Readers should bring their device—tablet, e-readers, phone or laptop—and their Amazon login and password to learn how to use the free resources the library offers. Help is also available at the library during all open hours.
The library will be conducting a survey the entire month of January to query residents on building in the next decade. The survey can be taken online from the link at or in paper form from the library, the web site, or in the town census. It can be completed in about 10 minutes.
The survey may be returned to the library or the town clerk. Residents who provide their contact information will be entered in a drawing for a free Kindle Fire tablet or a Roku, courtesy of the Friends of the Library
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