Council on Aging Meets Twice in January

Holliston Reporter

The Council on Aging held two meetings during January 2021.  The first, on January 7th, was chaired by Bob Malone.  The second, on January 27th, was chaired by Bob Hopkins.

During the Director’s Report, Linda Marshall shared that since the Senior Center has gotten back to business since the pandemic began in March, there has been an abundance of offerings.  Such as:

  • Hundreds of participants in Zoom sessions (Yoga, Pilates, Singing, Legal Topics)
  • 39 people attended the Drive in Cookout, which kicked off the Sr. Ctr’s new COVID-safe activities,
  • 27 people were at the Concert-in-your-Car event,
  • 185 hardy souls participated in the rainy Drive-by Thanksgiving meal,
  • 217 folks were greeted by Santa at the Drive-by Holiday meal,
  • 275 holiday gift bags were delivered to Holliston Seniors,
  • Drum roll please – Since March the Sr. Ctr. Staff / drivers have delivered 3,700 meals to Holliston Seniors!

The Council approved two CARES Act requests to cover the extensive meal delivery effort.  The requests will be forwarded to the Select Board to be applied to the Town-wide CARES Act funds.

Speaking of meal delivery, the Senior Support Foundation provided $500 to acquire ‘shelf-stable’ foods that were delivered to regular meal recipients.  These staples (like Beef Stew) would be on hand, IF winter weather prevents normal delivery.

Bob Hopkins, Holliston VFW Vice-commander, announced that the VFW will increase its monthly meal delivery from 40 to 50 recipients identified by the Sr. Ctr. Staff.

Bob Hopkins (above) led the discussion of the Council on Aging FY 22 proposed budget.  Council members (below) and Sr. Ctr. Staff heard an addendum to Linda Marshall’s Director’s Report.

Marshall shared:

  • The computer tablets purchased with funds from the MetroWest Health Foundation have been received and programmed.
  • John Conroy has been hired as a part-time tutor to get seniors acclimated to the new devices.
  • Seniors who receive a tablet from the Center can keep the device as long as they are using them to participate in on-line Center activities.
  • AARP Tax Aide will be available to qualified Seniors.  The COVID-safe approach is not yet finalized.

Director Marshall submitted her proposed FY 22 budget to the Council.  The total amounts to $245,226.   The total meets the guideline that looks for a level-funded request for the coming year.  Marshall achieved this goal by moving monies between budget lines to more accurately represent how the Center spends its allotted monies.  The Council unanimously approved the proposed budget.  The budget will be presented to the Select Board and the FinCom during the week of February 8th.

Linda Marshall, Bryan Perkins, and Marty Schneier

Other business included a discussion about COVID vaccinations for Seniors.  Phase 2 of the roll out begins on February 1st.  Those 75 and older are eligible to sign up on-line as of January 27th.  Holliston does not have the resources to offer a vaccination clinic.  Marshall will be learning more about vaccines for seniors when she attends a conference call on Friday, January 29th.