From Rev. Mark T. Peterson

Recently, Christ the King Lutheran Church of Holliston, unanimously voted to adopt a statement of welcome for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. In doing so, Christ the King was recognized by the international organization, Reconciling Works and added to their roster of Lutheran organizations that have adopted such statements. These congregations, schools, and institutions are designated as Reconciling in Christ organizations.
The congregation’s welcome statement reads in part, “We at Christ the King Lutheran Church believe that everyone has been beautifully and lovingly created by God. We believe that all regardless of age, race, religious background, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, or abilities are to be welcomed and included.” The statement also proclaims that “everyone deserves to hear the Word of God, and to feel Christ’s love without fear of judgment or discrimination.”
The Rev. Mark Peterson, Pastor of the congregation, sees this statement as part of the ongoing proclamation of love that God makes to all people, and hopes that it will be a life-giving and affirming word to people in the LGBTQ+ community.
Prior to the unanimous vote, members of Christ the King spoke in favor of the statement. One, a transgendered member said, “I have grown up in this church, and I am thankful for the support and love I have received from the members of this congregation.”
Another member, who has been active for most of the congregation’s life proclaimed, “a positive vote will be on of my proudest moments in my membership at Christ the King.”

Today, a rainbow flag flies prominently from Christ the King’s building, at 600 Central St. as a message to all that they are invited and welcomed there.
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Words to live by:
“… everyone has been beautifully and lovingly created by God…”
Drop the mic.
Positive article while we all figure out COVID.