Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors Combines Thanksgiving Efforts

Holliston Reporter

From Debbie Colburn

This year has brought many alternate plans for so many of our HNN & community traditions. This will be no different for the Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors efforts to help families have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Many families in our town have depended on the generous donations of all the fixings to create their special holiday meal or have one specially delivered.

Last year, HNN assembled and delivered over 150 Thanksgiving Baskets to the Holliston Pantry Shelf and other local organizations such as Head Start and Wayside Youth. HNN also coordinated the collection of prepared food from the community and delivered a full meal to over 35 local seniors on Thanksgiving Day.

This year, our two committees are joining forces to take a different approach. Gift cards will replace baskets and the Senior Center will deliver meals.

To support these efforts, we are asking for monetary donations. Please visit the HNN Donations webpage http://www.hollistonnewcomers.org/donations and select Thanksgiving Baskets or if you would prefer to mail your donation, please send a check made out to Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors to Katrine Giroux, 147 Mohawk Path, Holliston and note that it is for Thanksgiving.

If you have any questions, please email thanksgivingbaskets.newcomers@gmail.com 

The HNN 2020 Thanksgiving Committee – Debbie Colburn, Katrine Giroux, Christine Charette & Amy Foreman –  thank you in advance for your support!

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