American Legion & Farm Leaders Celebrate Earth Day

Holliston Reporter
Even with face masks we know these people (L-R) PJ Kilkelly, Commander Steve Bradford, Community Farm Committee Chair Kris Westland, and Legion Downtown Marigold Project leader Bobby Blair. (See, even with social distancing you can get everyone in the picture!)

The wind whipped across the field on Wednesday and the temperatures felt more like early March as several members of the local American Legion and farm community gathered to celebrate Earth Day.

Community Farm Advisory Board members planted 147 Blueberry bushes on Sunday in preparation for Earth Day

As part of their 100th Anniversary activities, the local Legion Post #47 donated 147 blueberry bushes to the Community Farm. 100 of the bushes celebrate the 100 years the post has been in town and the 47 commemorates the number of being the 47th Legion Post in the state of Massachusetts. Legion Commander Bradford said “hopefully future generations will be picking berries from these same bushes 100 years from now.” While the Legion had to cancel a bus tour of town due to Covid-19 on May 2nd, Bradford is hopeful for a Laser Light Show on July 11th as part of its 100 year anniversary celebration. The Legion also donated stakes and fencing for a victory garden reminiscent of WWII days.

PJ Kilkelly who wears several hats, that as Chairman of the Friends of the Community Farm and also as Chairman of the local Agricultural Commission wished to thank the local Lions Club for their donation of $1,000 and the Newcomers for their grant of $500 both of which will be used to upgrade electrical services in the farmhouse located on the property at 34 Rogers Road.

Chairperson of the Community Farm Kris Westland told the Reporter that a crop of potatoes has now been planted along with various vegetables and sunflowers in the farms greenhouse. “At this point were just waiting for warmer weather to get in more crops” she said on this the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.

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