April 25 Coronavirus Update
There was only limited news today, but I’d like to take the opportunity to encourage you to support neighbors who may be experiencing job or income loss. Our food pantries fill essential nutritional needs during this time and I encourage you to support your local pantry with either a monetary donation or needed grocery items listed on their websites. In Holliston it is the Pantry Shelf. https://www.hollistonpantryshelf.org/
Coronavirus Testing and Response
- There are 53,348 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, with 4,946 new cases and 2,730 deaths as of today at 4pm.
- Overall, over 226,845 tests have been conducted by public and private sources.
- The Department of Public Health has updated its daily reporting dashboard to include more detailed information on hospitalizations, demographic data, and county-by-county breakdowns. To view the new dashboard, check here.
Resources for Residents Experiencing Job Loss or Loss of Income
COVID-19 is causing broad disruption to the economy which is affecting incomes of many residents and families. There are a number of state resources and supports available to support workers who may find themselves unemployed or otherwise income-constrained during this uncertain time.
For your convenience, you can find a guide of resources and information at: https://carolyndykema.com/covid19-state-resources/.
Additional Guidance on Unemployment Assistance
- Updated Guidance for Self-Employed Individuals and those who have exhausted existing benefits.
- Massachusetts Employee Unemployment Benefits FAQ
- Department of Unemployment Assistance Virtual Town Hall Schedule and Sign-Up
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