From Keely Krantz, Pantry Shelf President

Are you curious about what’s behind the door of the Holliston Pantry Shelf? Why not come on in—virtually—using the link below to see just what’s offered to members of our community who may need some help with groceries. While spending just two minutes viewing the video below, consider how the Pantry might help your family, too.
As the video clearly shows, the Pantry Shelf is a great resource offering plenty of fresh produce and great quality foods in a private and dignified setting. Although it presently serves over 200 clients, the Pantry is equipped to open its doors to more Holliston families and individuals in need during this trying time. Keely Krantz, President of the Pantry Shelf, encourages those who might be hesitant—or just curious—to call her with your questions. 774.244.0170
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I am impressed, thank you.
Wow, very impressive – I worked with Sylvia when it first opened in 1993 in the basement of the Town Hall and it wasn’t like it is now – keep up the good work and thank you