As we’ve done for the past two 4th of July weekends, we will be out and about Holliston looking for flags and other patriotic displays this coming weekend. We hope that you might choose to join this year’s count.
Following last year’s count, we heard from some residents who had suggestions for our route, and others who volunteered to be counters. We’ve combined the two ideas and want to invite Hollistonian’s to “Adopt a Street / Neighborhood” to count.
Yvette and I will be covering the following streets: Central entire from Millis line – Hollis entire – Prentice entire to Hopkinton line; Highland Street entire from Medway line to Ashland line; AND Mudville (Pleasant, Mechanic, Spring, School, Union, Exchange, and Railroad).
If you are willing to join in, here’s what we ask:
- Count each home / business displaying flags, etc. along the entire length of each street(s) you ‘adopt’ (If one home / business has 20 flags – it counts a ONE.)
- Flags, etc. includes (in our count): big flags, small flags, bunting, painted flags, red, white, and blue displays
- Provide the Street(s) name and the count of homes / businesses with displays (we’ll do the math to figure out the percentage)
- E-mail your results to by 6 pm Monday, July 5 to have your data included in our annual report.
Just some tips: one driver and at least one ‘spotter/recorder’; we get out earlier when traffic is less and travel with our flashers on; coffee or other soft drink in a to-go cup; HAVE FUN!
Thank you for helping us complete what has become an annual tradition for the Holliston Reporter.
Chris and Yvette Cain
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I have approximately 60 flags/buntings displayed on my Gregory Rd property in both my front and back yard. If you wish, I can provide access to my back yard if a photo opportunity is desired.