Holliston Hub – HCAT

Recently, the volunteer Board of Directors of Holliston Cable Access held its Annual Meeting to report on 2022. President Chryso Lawless welcomed the audience of subscribers and staff and announced a branding and promotional initiative. “We are calling it Holliston Hub – HCAT-

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Safe Routes to School

When Tina Hein became a member of the Select Board, she made it clear that safe streets were
of critical importance to her. Drawing on her knowledge as a physical therapist and educator in
that field, she knew about the damage that vehicles can inflict on people. Right from the get-go,
Safe Routes to School were a priority.

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Time Capsule Mystery

Public Domain

In 1974, as part of the 250th Anniversary Celebration of Holliston, “someone” buried a time capsule that included pictures drawn by children in third grade. I was told about this by Robert Morse, one of the students whose artwork went into the capsule. Robert lives in Seattle now but is eager to find this relic. I was also contacted by the mother of Amy Petren who found a certificate for the item Amy placed in the capsule.

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HCAT Honors and Awards

HCAT’s annual meeting was anything but routine this year when the Board took time to honor retiring member, Dan Sweeney. Dan served for nine years, but he is also one of the legacy producers of local television. Dan’s show was called “Profiles in Business” and between 1989 and 1991, he showcased 75 or more local business owners.

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