Calling All Cooks!!

Holliston Reporter

The Holliston Reporter is looking for those with a love of interesting, seasonal, ethnic, family, or otherwise delicious foods.  Won’t you share a recipe and its story with us?

We love reading of Pat Maley’s tasty treats, salads, and mains, replete with her narrative of the past or present that explained the origins or variations of the dish.  Pat’s time is limited, so we would like others to supplement her contributions. 

You must have a favorite ingredient that takes the lead in a recipe, a happy celebration that features a special dish, or an ethnic specialty that we are dying to try!  Do you grow your own veggies and herbs?  Pick your own fruits, or use local honey in more ways than the cows can come home?

We’d love to hear from you.  Don’t be timid.  Share your recipe; tell us its story.   Simply click on the “Contact Us & Submissions” link above, and you’re on your way.

Many thanks, Your publishers

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