Calling all EV and Plug-In Hybrid Owners – Your Neighbors Need You!

Holiston Reporter

From Fred Cunningham

Upper Charles Climate Action (UCCA) of Sherborn, Holliston and surrounding towns will be hosting an EV Fest in the fall. If you are an EV or Hybrid owner, we hope you will join us to “Lift your hood and let interested neighbors see what you’ve got!”  The idea of the event is neighbor to neighbor learning.  We will not have commercial sellers, just you and your cars.  You don’t have to be an EV or hybrid guru, just be willing to share your experience as the owner of an electrically powered vehicle.

Many people are curious and have questions about EV’s, so these Fests have been popping up in parking lots all over the New England area. They are a great way for neighbors to interact with each other outside and to learn something new about this transportation wave of the future.

We hope you’ll be interested in participating on a date in the fall, which we will select when we know we have enough vehicles to make the event informative and fun. If you’re interested in sharing your experiences and your car, please contact Fred Cunningham at

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