Holliston resident named to James Madison University dean’s list

HARRISONBURG, VA (01/23/2024)– Michael DeRubeis of Holliston has been named to the dean’s list at James Madison University for the fall 2023 semester. Students who earn dean’s list honors must carry at least 12 graded credit hours and earn a GPA of between 3.5 and 3.899. DeRubeis is majoring in Political Science – BA.


Founded in 1908, James Madison University is a public university located in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. JMU is one of the nation’s leading lights in higher education, where students enjoy engaging relationships with world-class faculty who drive education innovation and support advanced research. With state-of-the art amenities and facilities, students have access to NCAA Division 1 athletics. JMU also has the highest post-graduation job levels of all Virginia colleges.

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