Civics Sunday: Meet the Candidates

Select Board – Tina Hein – Incumbent

After careful thought and discussion with my family, I have decided to run for a second term on the Select Board.

Three years ago, I committed myself to making a positive impact in our community, especially for people who bike and walk in Holliston and for all whose quality of life is affected by chronic traffic issues. I promised to be an active listener, to keep an open mind and to be responsive to resident concerns. I believe I have been a successful leader in these areas.

Holliston has a charming and quaint downtown commercial area, which is complemented by Blair Square and our first-rate Rail Trail. We know from numerous reports that improved sidewalk networks and traffic calming in the downtown and along the trail, to promote safe opportunities to walk and bike, will help create essentialeconomic growth for Holliston. The Town’s executive board needs to remain engaged in this work. 

I envision a future Holliston when more people move comfortably around the center of town, more children safely commute to school on foot or bike, more visitors enjoy shopping and dining in Holliston, and our roads feel calmer and safer for all. Over the past three years, Holliston has seen positive changes through the Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, and Shared Streets and Spaces programs. MassDOT has committed to significant surface improvements along Washington Street. And there is much more to come.

I have demonstrated consistent leadership by carefully and thoughtfully overseeing Town resources and state and federal funds to keep Holliston strong throughout the ongoing pandemic. I am especially proud of the Select Board’s decisions to support rent and mortgage relief for struggling Holliston families, and the Holliston Public Schools efforts to offer free, full-day kindergarten and expand after school tutoring to students in need. As recovery from the pandemic continues, I am focused on allocating Town resources towards addressing the mental health impact on residents and the economic impact on businesses.

I am grateful to serve alongside John Cronin and Ben Sparrell (and formerly, Mark Ahronian), who are also determined to bring meaningful change in Holliston. I am in full support of efforts to improve our water infrastructure and modernize Town functions and buildings (DPW). I look forward to developing and presenting related projects for Town Meeting approval over the next three years. With the excellent work of our Town Administrator, Travis Ahern, I am confident that the Town will continue to provide the services that residents expect and need, in a fiscally responsible way.

I am grateful for the relationships I have developed with Town staff and with the many volunteers who offer their time and skills to make Holliston the remarkable community that it is.I look forward to deepening and growing those relationships through another term. I believe that the Town’s executive leadership should continue to demonstrate appreciation and strengthen support for the diverse community of people who work and volunteer in Holliston.

I am seeking election to a second term on the Select Board to continue with a clear purpose towards a stronger, healthier, positive community. I am available for comments and questions about my campaign by emailing me at:

I ask for your vote at the Town election on May 24, 2022. Thank you!

School Committee – Cynthia Listewnik – Incumbent

My name is Cynthia Listewnik and I am running for re-election to the School Committee where I have
proudly served Holliston for the past 7 years. I have lived in the Queens neighborhood for 12 years
with my husband and three children (2021 graduate, 9th & 7th). As a social worker, I have spent my
career supporting and advocating for the diverse and evolving needs of children. Currently, I serve as
the Director of Children and Youth Ministries at the First Congregational Church. Previously, I served
as the Director of Residence Life at a liberal arts college and coordinated the Child Assault
Prevention Program for the Town of Needham.

As School Committee Chair, I have worked diligently to ensure our meetings are efficient, effective
and accessible while welcoming robust debate and constituent feedback. The past 2+ years have
been particularly challenging due to the pandemic, and I remain concerned about the increasing
mental health challenges and learning gaps facing our students. I have gained invaluable institutional
knowledge and built relationships based on mutual respect and collaboration working toward shared
goals with administrators, board members and local state representatives. I hope to continue on using
my skills and expertise as a consensus-builder to serve my community as a passionate advocate for
high quality education for ALL students.

When the previous superintendent resigned, I chaired the Interim Superintendent Search Committee.
Afforded a tight timeline of roughly 6 weeks, I led the process to provide suitable finalists for the
school committee to consider. The result brought Dr. Susan Kutska to Holliston during the early
stages of the pandemic and at a critical time when all districts were required to provide detailed Fall
2020 school reopening plans for in person and remote learning.

ARPA offered HPS the opportunity to kickstart Free Full Day Kindergarten. I advocated unwaveringly
for this transformational initiative, a long-time goal of the Town. Most of our incoming kindergartners
did not have the benefit of any preschool and parents were stretched thin financially by stagnant
wages and limited childcare opportunities. Providing equitable access to FDK is simply the right thing
to do for our youngest learners and their families. This commitment will provide a solid foundation
from which our students will thrive as lifelong learners.

In my tenure, I have served on a number of subcommittees including Budget, Policy, and
Superintendent Evaluation as well as numerous search committees. I have led several negotiating
teams and advocated for fair contracts for our teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries and cafeteria
workers. As liaison to the Select Board, the Board of Health and MSPTO I represent the committee to
facilitate greater collaboration.

As a member of the Budget Subcommittee, I prioritize essential services and programs that support a
whole-child focus for academic progress and social emotional health. Investing in technology
infrastructure, materials and professional development ensures that our dedicated educators have the
tools that they need to provide innovative, engaging and robust curriculum.

I respectfully ask for your vote on May 24th.

Cynthia Listewnik, 72 Anne Marie Drive

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One thought on “Civics Sunday: Meet the Candidates

  1. Good luck to all running for public office and thank you for taking an active in our community. Hope to see a good turnout at the town election on Tuesday May 24th. As I say,” town elections are the most important as they impact us the most.”

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