Holliston’s Council on Aging (CoA) met on Wednesday November 10, 2021 and learned more about the town-wide fuel assistance program and the upcoming COVID booster shot clinic.
Chair Yvette Cain called the meeting to order at 2:02.
The Council approved several motions:
- Meeting minutes from the October 13, 2021 meeting.
- Appointment of Peter Eagan as an Associate Member on the Council of Aging.
- Appointment of Peter Eagan as the CoA’s representative on the Envisioning Future Holliston committee.
- Sending a letter from the CoA to Kevin Conley and the Blair Square Committee, voicing support for the concept with requests to consider the needs of Seniors in the final design.
Senior Center Director Lisa Borchetta updated the Council on the following:
- New hands-free faucets and paper towel dispensers have been installed.
- A new shed has been ordered to store the 20 X 40-foot tent acquired with MWHF grant funds – the shed cost will be covered by remaining MWHF grant funds and facilities department budget.
- Holliston has applied for a new MWHF (MetroWest Health Foundation) grant to support a survey of Holliston seniors to determine future planning by the CoA and Senior Center. If the grant request is rejected, the Town will use ARPA funds to finance the survey.
- Director Borchetta continues to refine the details / costs of a Home Repair Program for Low-income Seniors. The request will be resubmitted to the ARPA Steering Group in the near future.
- The Senior Center has received several donations in memory of Gerta Call and Edwina Kirby. Superette patrons have donated another $400 to the Center’s food assistance program.
- More classes are returning to the Center and more outside groups are using the facility to hold events.
- The Center is still looking for part-time van drivers to transport seniors to appointments and shopping. A great job for someone during the day when their students are in school (hint).
- Special event meals (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Holiday) are resuming as sit-down events. Capacity is limited to 60 people. Reserve early to secure a seat.
- There will be a COVID booster clinic held at the Senior Center on Wednesday, December 8th from 1 – 2pm. 80 vaccinations slots are available. Sign up by contacting the Center at 508.429.0622.
Assistant Director Amanda Boralessa reported that the above-mentioned special lunches are all booked up. A waiting list has been set up for each.
Outreach Coordinator Marty Schneier shared that holiday gift donations are still welcome. She expects that 60 – 70 gifts will be distributed to seniors who would benefit from such a morale boost.
Schneier also educated everyone on the town-wide fuel assistance program that opened on November 1st. This assistance program is available to ALL residents who qualify. See below for more information.
The meeting adjourned at 2:47pm. The next meeting is set for December 8, 2021 at 2:00pm.
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