Council on Aging Holds February Meeting

Holliston’s Council on Aging held its monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.  The meeting was held using the special guidelines for holding public meetings enacted at the beginning of the pandemic.

After a roll call attendance was taken, Chair Yvette Cain introduced Dr. Caitlin Coyle and Ms. Mary Krebs from the UMass Boston Gerontology Institute.

As the title suggests, this 30-page presentation provides summary findings and several recommendations for large and small actions the Town might consider to address Holliston’s aging population’s realities.

The entire report can be viewed here ->

The data from this report will be available to the Envisioning Future Holliston committee and its consultant firm Berry Dunn as the Town’s strategic vision is developed. 

The members of the Council will continue to work with the report’s output to identify specific actions that will improve services for our aging population.  Pursuing the MA Age-Friendly Community designation was an early idea stemming from this report.

Senior Center Director Lisa Borchetta (2nd from right above) reported that the CoA proposed FY 24 budget that was approved by the Council at its last meeting was presented to the Select Board and Finance Committee and accepted by both.  The Habitat for Humanity partnership to provide critical home safety / livability repairs is still accepting applications, some projects have been completed, some are just starting, and most importantly, Habitat is supplementing the Town’s ARPA support (up to $20,000 / project) with up to an additional $5,000 donated from Habitat funds.  Contact the Senior Center for details about this program. 508.429.0622.

The Council approved Director Borchetta’s request for $350 from the Senior Support Foundation (SSF) for upcoming events.  It should be pointed out during the budget planning process the Town operating budget does NOT provide funds for classes, meals, events, transportation, etc provided through the Center.  The SSF, grants, and donations sponsor the various programs the center offers.

Ms. Borchetta noted a lengthy list of other Town and civic groups that collaborate with the Sr. Ctr. on a variety of initiatives.  Borchetta concluded by saying, “We are very integrated with the other Town departments, couldn’t do what we do without them and appreciate all they do for us.”

The Council received an update from Director Borchetta on the selection process underway to find a new Asst Director to replace Amanda Boralessa-Looper who left at year end.  Ms. Borchetta is optimistic that a qualified candidate will be in place soon.

The next meeting date was set for March 8, 2023.  The February meeting adjourned at 3:25pm.

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