June 19 Coronavirus Update

As we come to the end of another week, I hope you are staying safe and healthy, as well as finding ways to enjoy the summer weather while staying cool and socially-distant. I’m pleased to report that following the continuing positive trends in our statewide public health metrics have caused the Governor to move us to “step 2” of Phase 2, which notably will allow for more indoor business to resume, including close-contact services like nail salons and indoor dining.
This is welcome news, but we should also remain mindful of the hard work that so many people have done to get us to this point. This week, you may have noticed that the number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 dropped below 1,000 for the first time since April 3. That could not have happened without months of hard work from our health care workers, and that work will continue even as more industries reopen. Similarly, as businesses reopen and we get to partake in comforts like restaurant dining, playing on playgrounds, and getting our hair cut, we have to remember that countless workers and local business owners across the Commonwealth have gone above and beyond to make their spaces safe, clean, and adaptive to keep customers and visitors safe. We owe them all our gratitude and acknowledgment.
Finally, I want to thank all of you. I know it has not been easy to take the steps we all have had to take, whether it’s balancing a job with caring for a child, forgoing visits to older family members, or simply wearing a mask in public. We have a long road ahead, particularly looking forward into the fall, but I appreciate the steps you all have taken to keep our community safe and healthy.
New Updates
Coronavirus Testing and Response

- Today, the state saw 228 new reported positive cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, with 106,650 total cases and 30 reported deaths as of today at 4pm.
- The average new cases over the last 7 days is 227, and the average number of deaths is 37.
- The 7-day weighted average positive test rate in Massachusetts is 2.2%.
- 994 individuals are hospitalized with COVID-19 statewide, an increase of 26 from yesterday.
- The Department of Public Health regularly releases a daily reporting dashboard containing detailed information on hospitalizations, demographic data, and county-by-county breakdowns of cases. To view the DPH dashboard, visit here.
Heath Care Capacity
- Hospital Capacity: As of 6/19, 35% of the Commonwealth’s 12,700 permanent and temporary hospital beds are available for new patients if needed. In the MetroWest region, 41% of the region’s 2,400 beds are available for new patients.
- Long-term care: As of 6/19, there are 369 long-term care facilities with at least one case of COVID-19 and 23,052 staff and residents in facilities who have tested positive for COVID-19. 4,920 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in long-term care facilities.
- The Executive Office of Health and Human Services has released a new COVID-19 testing portal at mass.gov/gettested. EOHHS is also opening a new round of applications for sites to become certified to conduct COVID-19 tests, with priority given to areas and populations limited access to testing.
Local Updates
- You can find this week’s DPH report on town-by-town COVID-19 testing and case numbers here, as well as counts of COVID-19 cases at long-term care facilities across the Commonwealth. Our towns’ numbers are below (through 6/17):
- Holliston: 56
- Hopkinton: 121
- Southborough: 41
- Westborough: 336
- NOTE: Across all four towns, only 2 new cases were reported to DPH over the last week.
- In compliance with the new statewide data collection law, DPH has also begun reporting COVID-19 testing and infection rates at all state facilities, including state hospitals and congregate care facilities. You can find that report here.
- The weekly report to the Supreme Judicial Court of COVID-19 testing and positive cases at jails and corrections facilities can be found here.
Reopening Update
- Today, the Governor announced that the second step of Phase 2 will begin on Monday, June 22nd. This will allow restaurants to reopen indoor dining, close-contact services like nail salons, and indoor fitting rooms beginning Monday using sector-specific safety standards. More information can be found at mass.gov/reopening.
Small Business and Workforce
- This week, the Department of Revenue announced emergency regulations to further extend deadlines for small businesses paying sales, meals, and room occupancy taxes for revenues collected from March through August until September. All small businesses paying under $150,000 in taxes in the previous year will be eligible. More information can be found here.
- Federal implementation of changes to the Paycheck Protection Program has been released by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The changes relax requirements for loan forgiveness through the program for businesses impacted by COVID-19, and the full final rules can be found here.
- MassDOT will begin accepting applications for Shared Streets and Spaces program grants beginning June 22. This grant program will continue to support efforts to quickly adapt public spaces to accommodate increased pedestrian traffic and reopening restaurants offering patio dining space.
- Service levels are scheduled to increase on MBTA Commuter Rail (June 22) and subway lines (June 21) beginning next week. For more information and specific schedules, visit the MBTA service page.
- State universities in Bridgewater, Fitchburg, Framingham, Salem, Westfield, and Worcester plan in September to bring students back to campuses, as well as several public colleges including Mass. College of Liberal Arts, Mass. College of Art and Design, and Mass. Maritime Academy. These colleges and universities are planning any reopening to be contingent on the state entering Phase 3 and will comply with the related safety requirements when they are released. The University of Massachusetts system has not yet made a formal announcement about fall instruction.
- The Commissioner of Education has announced that the new extended deadline for school districts to submit district improvement plans in accordance with the Student Opportunity Act is now Tuesday, August 18th.
Legislative Update
- This week, the Senate passed a version of early/mail-in voting legislation passed by the House earlier this month, and a conference committee was appointed to resolve differences between the two bills. Once finalized, the bill will be enacted by both chambers and sent to the Governor for his signature.
Additional Items
- This week, the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security announced another application round for Emergency Supplemental Funding Program grants to local police and fire departments to support local public safety efforts to respond to COVID-19. $4 million total in new federal funding is available through this program to be distributed in competitive grants up to $50,000. Applications are open now and due July 10.
- For those experiencing or at risk of food insecurity during COVID-19, Project Bread maintains a frequently-updated web page of all state food resources and assistance programs.
Local Resources
All of the towns in the 8th Middlesex District now have centralized COVID-19 resource pages with resources, updates, and alerts regarding town services.
Holliston | Hopkinton | Southborough | Westborough
The Department of Public Health also releases weekly reports on town-by-town COVID-19 case numbers and rates, which can be found online here.
Resources for Residents Experiencing Job Loss or Loss of Income
COVID-19 is causing broad disruption to the economy which is affecting incomes of many residents and families. There are a number of State resources and supports available to support workers who may find themselves unemployed or otherwise income-constrained during this uncertain time.
Guide for job/income loss resources: https://carolyndykema.com/covid19-state-resources
Department of Unemployment Assistance: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-unemployment-assistance
Department of Transitional Assistance: https://www.mass.gov/dta-covid-19-resources-and-support
How You Can Help
Holliston Youth and Family Services requests your support of the Community Action Fund, which provides emergency assistance to those affected by COVID-19. Learn more or donate here.
The Westborough Rotary Club has launched a COVID-19 Community Relief Fund to provide assistance to those affected by COVID-19. Learn more or donate here.
The American Red Cross is asking for blood donations, the need for which is significant due to blood drive cancellations. The need is dire due to the cancellation of hundreds of blood drives. People can donate at the Worcester American Red Cross Donor Center, 381 Plantation St. Worcester or call 1-800-RED CROSS. Some local donor sites, including the Natick Senior Center, are available for appointments as well.
Information on our local food pantries can be found below. The most pressing need right now is cash donations to ensure that food drop-off and delivery do not inadvertently contribute to the spread of the virus.
Holliston Pantry Shelf | Project Just Because | Southborough Food Pantry | Westborough Food Pantry
Current Statewide Advisories
Safer at Home: As of May 18, the statewide stay-at-home advisory is now the Safer at Home advisory. In many ways, this advisory remains in the same spirit as previous policies: You should practice social distancing and limit your non-essential interactions as much as possible.
Face Covering: As reopening continues, the statewide face covering advisory remains in effect for public indoor and outdoor spaces in situations where social distancing is not possible. The full advisory and detailed guidance can be found online.
Reopening Guidance: For more information on the state’s phased reopening plan and particular industry-specific guidance, visit mass.gov/reopening. For questions about business reopening timelines, visit this page.
A list of all executive orders in place during the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 state of emergency can be found here.
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