The newest “member” of the Holliston Fire Department comes with its own short history. Our new pumper truck–tagged Engine #1–served briefly at the Daytona International Speedway.
Chief Cassidy’s knowledge, shopping savvy and persistence landed Holliston this pristine piece of equipment—and it came in under budget. The 20-year systematic replacement schedule for capital equipment made this purchase possible. As you can well imagine, capabilities of fire equipment have advanced greatly in the past 20 years. We planned ahead.

The crew of Engine 1 is undergoing extensive training with the truck manufacturer as well as during their bi-weekly in-town training sessions. Much of the department’s individual fire safety equipment was repurposed to the new truck. There is no need to replace equipment that has been kept up to date.
The National Fire Protection Association Standards influence fire and personnel safety equipment. Ongoing and extensive training includes learning the equipment on a truck as well as where to find it–in a hurry! The repetitious practice of outfitting Engine 1 during a site practice hones the firefighters’ necessary skills and develops their confidence for efficiency, as the situation requires.

Engine 1 carries 1000 gallons of water on board, allowing this pumper to start attacking a fire as its crew connects it to a hydrant. Pumping 1500 gallons per minute permits several hose lines to be supplied simultaneously.
Since firefighting involves many highly volatile, heat-producing materials that quickly burn a structure, time is precious. An escape time may be only 3 – 5 minutes. Smoke inhalation is one of the main medical issues with fighting today’s fires. Wearing a Scott air pack is a life-changer.
There’s so much to know and understand about coming to the aid of citizens during a fire incident. Readiness and good equipment make HFD our lifeline when they are called.
Thanks, we know you are ready.

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Well written and very informative “behind the scenes”
The best Fire Department deserves the best equipment. 👩🏻🚒👍🏼