From Anna Curran
Each month, Give Back to Givers honors a “Volunteer of the Month” to highlight his/her service and dedication to the town of Holliston, and to show how important volunteerism is to the town. This month we honor Al Scaramella.
What have you done in the past as volunteer work?
Most of my volunteer work has been thru the Knights of Columbus:
- K of C fundraiser Raffle
- St Mary’s Social events/ Hospitality Committee/Pasta Night / BBQ
- Church Facilities-Mulch/Christmas-Creche/Lights/Trees
- Give-a-gift/December
- Church Ushers (Christmas holidays)
- Physically Disabled/Intellectual Disabilities Tootsie Roll drive
- K of C Free throw contest
- Celebrate Holliston
- Red Cross blood drive/January
- Special Needs-BBQ and Christmas party
- Monthly Cleaning at Food Pantry
What do you currently do
as a volunteer?
In most cases I help organize and run the functions-as well as work at the
- St Mary’s Social events/ Hospitality Committee/Pasta Dinner – November
- Church Facilities-Mulch/Christmas-Creche/Lights/Trees – December
- Give-a-gift – December
- Church Ushers (Christmas holidays)
- Special Needs-BBQ-May and Christmas party -December
What made you want to get involved in volunteering?
To give something back and help others.
What is your favorite part of volunteering?
In the case of the K of C it is working alongside my Brother Knights and getting to know them better as well as meeting other volunteers who have the same interest as I do.
What have you gotten out of volunteering? A sense of accomplishment that I am able to help others and the enjoyment of working with others.
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Al has his heart in the right place – and he’s a funny guy. Just two of his endearing qualities.
A great example in this time of giving. Al is a role model in all he does for the community and in leading his Brother Knights.
As a fellow Knight I can tell you that we would not function without Al. He is responsible not only for being a leader, but he volunteers at pretty much all of our events. His guidance and work ethic are shining examples to the rest of us.
Al is a pillar of the community. He does so many things to support our town – somehow he finds the time to contribute despite all his personal commitments(the ones we all have) and provides many acts of support – most of which go un-noticed except by those that are directly benefiting. He is a man that makes HOLLISTON a great community!!!
Al certainly deserves this honor. He has been a good example for others to emulate since I met him about 35 years ago as a soccer coach. He is the heart and soul of our KofC council, involved in everything – including activities outside the council such as volunteering at the Pantry Shelf, helping at Senior Center activities — and inspiring others with his good humor and great example. And he’s quick to give others credit for our council’s success. We’re fortunate to have Al in Holliston.
One cannot continue to say good things about Al for his friendship and leadership as a brother knight. However least we forget, behind every successful man is a very giving and caring woman, thanks Judy.