DH Community Lab

November 2, 7:00-8:30PM

Holliston has historically and systemically been a quaint New England town, a town which has centered the interests of people from the majority culture (White, Christian, straight, cis, people) at the expense of groups and individuals who have been historically and presently oppressed (people of color, non-Christian religious communities, LGBTQ+ people). The mission of Diverse Holliston is to make Holliston a fully inclusive and equitable town for people of all backgrounds, circumstances, and identities.  

Research has shown, beyond doubt and question, that having a diverse and equitable town has huge benefits for everyone in the community. We also know many hands make light work. We are all over scheduled and over-booked, but if equity in Holliston matters to you, please join us at this meeting and learn how you can contribute. We can use all kinds of skills, and you are welcome to devote as much or as little time as you are able.

With the town’s Strategic Plan process winding to a close, along with the commencement of an Equity Steering Committee following the Equity Audit at Holliston Public Schools, we are at a critical juncture in our town’s history.

Please join Diverse Holliston for our monthly open meeting, November 2, 2023, 7:00-8:30pm in the Conference Room at Holliston Parks and Recreation. Remote access is available via zoom (see below)

We are currently seeking new members to engage with us on the following:

·      Ensuring that the Strategic Plan created by the Envisioning Future Holliston Committee accurately represents the interests of those in Holliston who are historically left out of governance conversations. We will create and push forth performance measures for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion objectives of the Strategic Plan.

·      Ensuring that the Equity Steering Committee, which is currently being developed by the Holliston Public Schools Central administration, is comprised of diverse individuals who are historically left out of school equity conversations.

·      Educating the Holliston community on the meaning of diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as the benefits of equity and access for all.

·      Building the capacity for Holliston community members to engage in conversations about our differences. 

·     Enabling celebrations representative of the diverse Holliston community at the community level

If this is your first time, please come!

If you have been before, please come again and bring a friend!

November 2, 2023, 7:00-8:30pm in the Conference Room at Holliston Parks and Recreation. Zoom link above.

In solidarity,

The Diverse Holliston Strategic Leadership Team

Annie Singh, Robert Principe, Chinmaya Gogineni, Rene Park, Dee Phair, Laurie Markoff, Jane Kohuth, and Barbara Fritts Worby


Topic: DH November Community Lab
Time: Nov 2, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Barb Fritts Worby (she/hers)


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3 thoughts on “DH Community Lab

  1. GM Barbara. What research have you read that suggests diversity improves communities? I’m interested in educating myself on how we can improve Holliston for everyone.

    1. Thank you for your question. We would love to discuss this in person. If you live in Holliston, please swing by our community lab. Looking forward to our conversations.

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