Elementary School Lunch Message and Menu

Holliston Reporter

From Susan Palefsky, School Nutrition Director

Midyear School Lunch Update

I thought it was time to be back in touch with families as we reach the midpoint of the school year.

  • The USDA has extended the waiver that allows us to offer a FREE lunch to all students through the end of this school year without going through our free and reduced application process. That being said, there are certain benefits that require a completed application so it may be beneficial for you to complete & submit an application.
  • We are continuing to offer grab & go lunch, breakfast and snack pick up for our remote and hybrid students from the Linden St. loop at the Robert Adams Middle School on Monday & Wednesday from 1:30 – 2:00. Students will be given 2 lunches, breakfasts & snacks on Monday and 3 on Wednesday, FREE to all students. Your child does not need to be present when picking up lunch. We do ask however, if you are planning on participating in remote pick up, that you complete this Remote Lunch Order weekly so we know how many bags to prepare.

Our FREE offerings have expanded during the course of the year:

Placentino and Miller students will have FREE lunch delivered to their classroom daily. Teachers, when taking attendance, will take a lunch count and a complete bagged cold lunch will be delivered to their classroom. Parents do not need to pre-order, but you must communicate to your child as to whether or not they are to be ordering lunch that day. Does your child bring lunch from home, but you want to supplement with additional items? They can order a “milk & more” bag which includes a milk, a vegetable and a fruit, yes, for FREE. In addition, we are providing a FREE snack daily to every classroom, no ordering necessary.

RAMS students have two opportunities to receive a FREE lunch, breakfast and afternoon snack. They can order in the classroom and it will be delivered to them, or they will have the chance to pick up a FREE cold take out bag from the cafeteria prior to leaving school.  Food will be bagged and ready to go so your child can continue to quickly leave the building. 

High School students have the chance to pick up a FREE cold take out bag from the exit doors prior to leaving school. It will contain lunch, an afternoon snack and a breakfast for the next morning.

Menus are posted on our School Lunch webpage.

One final note on participating in our program. I receive quite a few questions around taking from someone else by participating. This could not be further from the truth. My AMAZING staff is ready and able to feed all who are in need. Our department’s only revenue this year comes from government reimbursements for the breakfasts, lunches and snacks we serve. By supporting our program, you are supporting my staff and the financial viability of our department while providing your children with a delicious and nutritious lunch.

Do you want to see what is going on? Follow us on Twitter!

Have a good rest of the school year.

Peace, Susan Palefsky

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