Fall Town Meeting Preparation Timeline

Town Administrator Travis Ahern knows that many Hollistonians check in with the Holliston Reporter Tuesday mornings to catch up on the weekly Select Board meetings. This week the Board is meeting on Tuesday evening so the weekly recap will be on Friday. Mr. Ahern has provided the information below to quench your Tuesday thirst for Town Hall scoop.

Tuesday, 9/27: Select Board (SB) / Finance Committee (FC) both meeting at 7:00pm

  • Select Board finalizes any substantive changes to Warrant
  • Fincom review the Cap. Sub. Comm. 9/19 recommendations on the Capital Budget (Article 5) and the SB/FC Working Group (Articles 18 & 20); other items at discretion of Chair

Thursday, 9/29: Finance Committee meeting; Governance Committee (GC) meeting both at 6:00pm

  • Town Administrator (TA) review Warrant with FC at discretion of the Chair 
  • TA/Asst Town Administrator (ATA) go through any personnel questions (EMS, Dispatch, non-union pay scale update)

Friday, 9/30: Warrant Posting – website landing page with supplemental info, to include:

  • Programmatic Stabilization Fund Memo (use for EMS Pay Rates) 
  • TIF info – Tentative Agreement Draft; NEAG info one-pager; TA revenue projection presentation
  • EFH data summary (second survey)
  • Any other items of interest

Monday, 10/3: Pre-Town Meeting Forum (Upper Town Hall / Hybrid) at 7:30pm

Friday, 10/7 (or sooner): Combined Warrant Document Posting, including Finance Committee Recommendations and supplemental information; printing 200 copies for Fall Town Meeting (FTM) (available ahead of FTM in Town Hall, Library, Sr. Ctr., local businesses)

Monday, 10/17: Fall Town Meeting – Start Time: 7:00pm; Holliston High Auditorium, Childcare available onsite

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