The Thursday evening remote meeting of the Governance Committee (GC) was called to order by Chair Sam Tyler at 5 PM, for the purpose of viewing and discussing revisions and annotations each had made to Article I of the Holliston By-Laws and a proposed Article concerning the Budget Development Process. Town Administrator Travis Ahern sat in on the meeting.

Paul LeBeau, Committee Clerk, explained additions and revisions he had made to Article I, “Town Meetings.” As LeBeau spoke, members of the Committee each followed a shared electronic copy of the draft article. Additions and changes to the Article focused mainly on Section 1, “Date and Time”; however, several Sections had been revised for cleaner and more consistent wording. Each revision, such as wordsmithing for clarification, accuracy, and updated language and concepts, were discussed by members. The Committee agreed to changes thus far, keeping this as a working draft.
The second document shared electronically was a draft of the proposed Budget Development Article. Presently, Holliston does not have such an Article; early in its goal setting, the Governance Committee, using input from town officers, Boards and Committees, as well as research into By Laws and Charters of similar towns determined the written articulation of this process to be most helpful to all involved.
Using the same procedures as with Article I, the members read for understanding, examining each addition, omission, and clarification so that all questions and concerns of Committee members were addressed. At times, when there was mention of the Town Administrator, Ahern, also attending on Zoom, was able to provide a clarification or reflection.
On Monday, Nov. 23 remote meeting of the Select Board, the GC will apprise Board members of their progress. The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 PM.
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I am so happy the town by-laws are being addressed. Long overdue. From what I am reading the committee is doing a very good, well researched, thoughtful job. Thank you all.